In this article, Allbound Administrator Users will learn how to manage all portal users using the Advanced User Management (AUM) table and user interface. The Advanced User Management table is available in all Allbound packages.
The key benefits of AUM include:
- Easy-to-use, modern user interface common with other modules within the portal
- Faster performance loading large amounts of data = less time waiting for data to load
- Previously, loading a user's page (via old User management) took ~ 7 seconds
- Now, it takes 2 seconds
- That's a 70% increase in performance!
- Ability to delegate user management tasks to your partners; saves you time by handing off common tasks to Partner Executives/Managers who know their own users
- Ability to export all users to a single .CSV file for import into marketing automation systems or other systems
- New Last Login Date field allows you and Partner Executives/Managers to follow-up with users who haven't logged in recently and be proactive about partner engagement
Manage Users Table
The Manage Users table displays all user records to which the current logged in user has permission to view.
- System Admins and User Admins can view all users in the portal
- Partner Executives and Partner Managers are restricted to viewing only those users in their primary company
The Manage Users table contains the following components common to all new Allbound data tables:
- Search field
- Filters button
- Columns button
- Export button
Search for Users
Search allows you quickly find users based on data within the User column: name or email.
To search for a user by First Name, Last Name, Full Name, or Email:
- Enter at least two characters to search on
- The table will load all matching search results
- To clear the search results and display all records, click the X icon in the search field
Apply Filters
Filters allow you to filter the users table by static data fields. That is, if your User Registration/Profile/Bio forms contain a Shared User field with a defined set of available values (such as dropdown, radio button, multi-select field) then it will be available as a filter. Additionally, you can filter by a user's Primary Company.
To filter the users table:
- Click the Filters button
- The Filters drawer will slide out
To apply a filter:
- Click Select Filters button to view the list of all available filters
- Check a filter field to see it displayed in the drawer
- Click on the field multi-select drop-down to select which field values you want to filter on for each field
- Only filter fields with values are applied (fields without a selected value are skipped)
- Multiple values selected for a single filter field are applied using OR logic
- Multiple fields are applied using AND logic
- For example, the filter above would return all user records where the Primary Company is "My Partner Company" AND the user's Role is ("Manager" OR "Executive")
- Click Apply to apply the filter to the users table
- Click Clear All to clear all values from all fields displayed in the filter drawer
- Click Reset to reset the drawer to the default filter fields
- Click X icon to close the filter drawer without saving
If at least one filter is applied to the table then the table will be refreshed to display only those records that match the filter criteria.
- View all filters applied directly above the Users table
- If a filter field has more than one value selected then the count of filter values will be displayed instead of the field value
- Click the X icon for an individual field to remove only that filter
- Click Clear All to remove all filters and display all records
Note: If you search for users and apply filters at the same then AND logic is used and the table will display users that meet the search criteria AND filter criteria.
Customize Columns
The Customize Columns feature allows you to customize your columns to display:
- any Shared User field on your customized User Registration/Profile/Bio forms and
- any Company field on your customized Company Admin form.
Your column customization is stored in your browser local storage and will be saved throughout browser sessions.
To customize your Users table columns:
- Click the Columns button
- The Customize Columns drawer will slide out
- Click X icon to close the Customize Columns drawer without saving
- Click Add Columns button to select the columns you want to see in the table
- An object icon is displayed to the left of each field name to help identify which object the field belongs to.
- The following icon is displayed next to User fields:
- The following icon is displayed next to Company fields:
- The following icon is displayed next to User fields:
- Rearrange the order of the columns you want to see from left-to-right by clicking on the handle to the left of the field name and long pressing while you drag-and-drop up and down the list
- Click the X icon to the right of a field to remove it from the table
- Click Reset to display all default columns
- Click Apply to refresh your table with the selected User and Company columns in the order specified
Note: The Add Columns drop-down displays an object heading with associated icon to help identify which field is being added since Status is a field on both User and Company objects.
- Click Add Columns button
- Observe the User heading with User icon
- Scroll down and observe the Company heading with Company icon
Company columns added to the User table will display "Company" just above the column name.
Export User Data
The Export feature allows you to export your entire Users table including:
- Any search and/or filters applied to the table
- All columns displayed in the table.
To export Users data to a .CSV file:
- Click Export
- Click All to export all user records across all pages including the current search/filters
- If at least one record is selected then the Selected option is enabled. Click Selected to export the selected records on the current page
User Quick Actions
Quick actions allow you to quickly take action on an individual user record without having to view the User record to do so. The same actions are available while viewing an individual user record.
To perform a quick action:
- Click the (3 dots) kebab icon on the far right of an individual user row. This will expand the quick action menu.
- Edit: Navigates to the user record. This is the same action as clicking on the user's name link.
- Add to Static Group: Allows you quickly add the user to a static group
- Reset password: Sends the user a Reset Password email
- Switch to this account: Invokes the Switch To function and changes your portal experience to impersonate the user
- Deactivate/Activate: This quick action is dynamic and displays the appropriate action based on the user's current status:
- Deactivate: Deactivate an Active user
- Activate: Activate a Pending or Inactive user
Add to Static Group
Users can only be manually added to Static Groups. Dynamic groups are covered in another article.
To add a user to a Static Group:
- Click the (3 dots) kebab menu > Add to Static Group option
- An Add to Group modal is displayed. Search and select one or more static groups from the drop-down list
- Click Add to add the user to the static group(s)
- Click the X icon to dismiss the modal and cancel the action
- A success alert message is displayed at the top of the page to indicate that the user was successfully added to the group(s)
Reset Password
When you click the Reset Password quick action for a user, a success alert message is displayed to indicate that the Reset password email was sent and to whom.
Switch To This Account
The Switch To function is only available on Active users. When you click on Switch to this account, your portal is refreshed and you are now impersonating the user you switched to. Your user experience of the portal will be based on their role, permissions, and groups.
Click on the Profile menu and Switch Back to stop impersonating and switch back to your own profile.
As explained above, the Activate/Deactivate function is dynamic based on the user's current status.
When you click Activate on a Pending or Inactive user, a success alert message is displayed to indicate that the user was activated. You can refresh your browser to see the Active status reflected on the users table.
The Deactivate function includes a confirmation modal since the action is destructive in nature.
To deactivate a user:
- Click Deactivate for the active user
- A Deactivate User modal is displayed. Click the X icon to dismiss the modal without deactivating the user
- Click Deactivate to continue with deactivation of the user
- A success alert message is displayed to indicate that the user was deactivated. You can refresh your browser to see the Inactive status reflected on the users table.
Performing Bulk Actions
To save time, some quick actions can also be performed on more than one user record at a time. Tip: use sort/filters to quickly narrow down the users you want to perform the bulk action on.
For example:
- Filter by all Pending users then bulk Activate them
- Filter by all users whose Last Login Date is over a year ago then bulk Deactivate them
- Sort by all users who have never logged in (Last Login Date is empty)then bulk Reset Password
To perform a bulk action:
- Select at least one user record from the table
- Note: selection is restricted to the current table page. You cannot select across multiple pages.
- Click Action (which is only displayed when at least one user record is selected)
- Click Reset password to send the Reset Password email to all selected users
- Click Activate to activate all selected users
- Click Deactivate to deactivate all selected users
Viewing/Editing a Single User Record
On the Manage Users table, click on a user's name to view their user record. Basic info about the current user is displayed at the top next to their profile picture:
- Status
- Full Name
- Primary Company - Role
Some elements of the top header of the User record remain constant regardless of what tab you are currently viewing:
- Use breadcrumbs to navigate back to the Manage Users table or navigate to Allbound Settings
- Click Manage Users to navigate back to the Manage Users table
- Click the Options button to see the same options that are available via Users table quick actions
- Click Reset Password to send the user a Reset Password email
- Click Switch to this account to impersonate the current user
- Click Deactivate or Activate to change the user's status
- Click on a tab to navigate to another section of the User record
User Details Tab
If you have Edit permission then the User Details tab will be displayed in edit mode. Users without Edit permission (such as Partner Executives/Managers) will view the User Details tab in read-only mode. Currently only some fields are editable on the user record:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email username
- User Type
- Permissions
- CRM ID (this should only be edited by Allbound Support)
While viewing the User Details tab:
- User Details tab is selected
- Email Address username is editable though the domain is read-only. Email must be unique within the portal.
- User Type: select from Subscriber or Administrator
- If User Type is Administrator then Permissions field is displayed. You must select at least one Admin Permission.
- Save button is enabled if at least one field has been edited
- If you need to edit a field that is not currently available on the user record (such a profile picture or email domain or to manually set a user's password) click the Switch to Classic Edit button which is only displayed under Options while viewing the User Details page
- Note: Alternatively, you can use Switch To to impersonate the user and upload a profile picture or edit a field on their profile
Groups Tab
The Groups tab is displayed to System and User Admins. The Groups tab is hidden from Partner Executives/Managers since groups may contain sensitive information.
While viewing the Groups tab:
- Groups tab is selected
- View all Dynamic Groups that the user is a member of and see the total count of dynamic groups
- View all Static Groups that the user belongs to and see the total count of static groups
- Click on the down arrow to expand the group membership details and click on the up arrow to collapse
- Within each group section, Search for a group by searching on group name
- Within the Static Groups section, click Add to Group to add the user to a Static Group
- Within the Static Groups section, click Remove from Group to remove the user from the Static Group. A confirmation modal will be displayed.
Company Associations Tab
The Company Associations tab displays all companies to which the user is associated. Typically, partner users will only belong to a single company (their partner company) whereas Channel Account Managers (CAMs) will belong to all of the companies that they "own". The screenshot below is illustrative of viewing a CAM's user record.
While viewing the Company Associations tab:
- Company Associations tab is selected
- Search for a company by Company Name to quickly narrow down the list of companies
- A Primary tag is displayed next to the user's primary company
- By default, the Primary company is displayed as the first row. If the table is sorted then the Primary company will be displayed according to the requested sort order.
Add Company Association
Company associations allow for users outside of the partner company to have visibility to that company's leads, deals, MDF, and commissions. For example, when a CAM is added to a company as an Account Owner they have visibility to all deals registered for the company.
To add a new company association:
- Click Add Association
- Search for and select one or more companies to add the User to
- Select the role to assign to the user. CAMs should always be set to Account Owner.
- Note: the following roles are in the process of being deprecated and are no longer assignable:
- Technical
- Marketing
- Note: the following roles are in the process of being deprecated and are no longer assignable:
- Click Add to add a company association for each company selected in the modal
- Click X to dismiss the modal without saving any changes
Company Association Quick Actions
Company association quick actions allow you to quickly edit a single company association.
To perform a quick action on a company association:
- Click the (3 dots) kebab icon on the far right of an individual company association row. This will expand the quick action menu.
- Change the role for a specific company by selecting one of the available roles
- Account Owner: Account Owner role should only be assigned to CAMs
- Executive: Executives may be granted permission to self-service manage users
- Manager: Managers may be granted permission to self-service manage users
- Sales: all partner users that are not executives or manager should have a Sales role
- Note: the following roles are in the process of being deprecated and are no longer assignable:
- Technical
- Marketing
- Click Set as Primary to change a user's primary company. A user's role within their primary company may grant them visibility to leads, deals, MDF, and commissions. Use caution when changing a user's primary company.
- Click Delete to remove a company association so that the user no longer has visibility to the company's leads, deals, MDF, and commissions.
Hierarchy Tab
The Hierarchy tab is useful for understanding a user's scope of visibility for leads, deals, MDF, and commissions. For ease of explanation, only deal visibility will be referenced below. The partner role hierarchy determines which users can see which users deals. The hierarchy is as follows, from top to bottom:
- Account Owner - can see all deals for roles below them
- Executive: cannot see other Executive's deals, can see all deals for roles below them
- Manager: cannot see other Manager's deals, can see all deals for roles below them
- Sales: can only see their own deals
While viewing the Hierarchy tab:
- Hierarchy tab is selected: A table displays all users above the current user and all users below the current user.
- Note: The role displayed in the table is the user's role for their primary company.
- Search for a user in by Name or Email to quickly narrow down the list of users
- Click the Filters button to filter the table by Primary Company or Hierarchy value (Below User or Above User)
- A Hierarchy tag identifies each user's position relative to the current user record:
- Below User: A user that is below the current user according to their role in the hierarchy. The current user can see all of these user's deals since they are below them.
- Above User: A user that is above the current user according to their role in the hierarchy. All Above User's can see all of the current user's deals since they are above them.
Partners Self-Service Manage Users
With the new technology and foundation laid by Advanced User Management, Allbound can now segment users by primary company and grant users company-specific user access. This means that System and User Admins can delegate user management tasks to partners who can now self-service manage users in their primary company.
Roles and Permissions
A new Roles and Permissions page contains the settings for enabling partners to self-service manage users and is only available to:
- Vendor* System Admins (User with User Type = Administrator + Admin Permissions = System Settings)
- Vendor* User Admins (User with User Type = Administrator + Admin Permissions = Users, Groups & Companies)
* where user's primary company is the Allbound customer (i.e. their primary company is not a partner company)
To enable partners to self-service manage users:
- Navigate to Advanced User Management and click Roles and Permissions in the left hand navigation bar
- The Administrator Permissions tab displays a read-only summary of all permissions that are granted by each of the Admin roles
- In the future, Admin Roles will be customizable on this tab
- The Partner Roles tab contains a description for each of the Partner Roles.
- Note: the following roles are in the process of being deprecated and are not displayed since they are no longer assignable:
- Technical
- Marketing
- Note: the following roles are in the process of being deprecated and are not displayed since they are no longer assignable:
- To grant Executives the ability to self-service manage users, check the Permission "Manage users within their company"
- To grant Managers the ability to self-service manage users, check the Permission "Manage users within their company"
- Click Save to save the permissions
Permissions Table
The table below summarizes the functions that are available to Partner Executives and Managers if they have been granted permission to self-service manage users. Partner Executives and Managers are only granted a subset of functions that System/User Admins can perform.
Function | System/User Admin |
Partner Executive/Manager (if permission enabled) |
View Manage Users Table |
scope = all users |
scope = only users within their primary company |
Search | ![]() |
![]() |
Filter Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Customize Columns | ![]() |
![]() |
Export Table | ![]() |
![]() |
View User Details Tab | ![]() |
![]() |
Edit Users Details Tab | ![]() |
![]() |
Reset Password | ![]() |
![]() |
Switch To Account | ![]() |
![]() |
Switch to Classic Edit (old user interface) | ![]() |
![]() |
Activate/Deactivate | ![]() |
![]() |
View Groups Tab | ![]() |
![]() |
Add to Static Group | ![]() |
![]() |
Remove from Static Group | ![]() |
![]() |
View Company Associations Tab | ![]() |
![]() |
Add Association | ![]() |
![]() |
Delete Association | ![]() |
![]() |
Set as Primary Company | ![]() |
![]() |
Change Role |
scope = can assign all roles including Account Owner |
scope = limited to Executive, Manager, Sales |
View Hierarchy Tab | ![]() |
![]() |
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.