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Product Release - January 11, 2023

  • Updated

Advanced User Management

Deals Admin Permission

Previously, when you wanted to grant a user access to view all deals in the Pipeline, you had to make that user a System Admin (administrator with System Settings admin permission). However, System Admins have full access to the entire portal including MDF and Allbound Settings. In most cases, making the user a System Admin granted them too many permissions resulting in permission bloat.


Now, a new "Deals" admin permission is available that simply grants the Deals admin permission to view all deals in the pipeline. Additionally, if the portal has Commission Management enabled, Deals admins will also have permission to access Commissions. 


To grant a user Deals admin permission, navigate to the user's record, then:

  1. Select User Type = Administrator
  2. Check the Deals permission under the Permissions field
  3. Click Save


To filter the Users table to see only those users with the Deals admin permission:

  1. On the Manage Users page, click Filters to open the Filters drawer
  2. Click Select Filters to display the Filters dropdown
  3. Check the Admin Permissions field to add the field to the Filters drawer
  4. Select Deals in the Admin Permissions field
  5. Click Apply
  6. The table will be refreshed with the Admin Permissions: Deals filter applied


Note: All System admins will be automatically granted the Deals admin permission.


User Attribute "Can Request MDF" Available as a Column and Filter

Previously, to find all users that could request MDF you would have to navigate to each individual company record Members tab to view the "MDF Requests" column. If a user had "Can Request" then they would be able to request MDF. This is a tedious process since all company records had to be viewed.


Now, the "Can Request MDF" user attribute has been pulled into the Manage Users table and is available as column and filter.

To see who can request MDF:

  1. On the Manage Users page, click Columns to open the Customize Columns drawer
  2. Click Add Columns and check "Can Request MDF" from the dropdown
  3. Drag and drop the Can Request MDF column to reorder the column display order
  4. Click Apply



To filter the Users table to see only those users that Can Request MDF:

  1. On the Manage Users page, click Filters to open the Filters drawer
  2. Click Select Filters to display the Filters dropdown and check "Can Request MDF" to add the field to the Filters drawer
  3. Select Yes in the Can Request MDF field
  4. Click Apply
  5. The table will be refreshed with the Can Request MDF: Yes filter applied and display only those users that can request MDF

Note: If you want a CSV report of all users that can request MDF click Export All and the current table view (with columns and filters applied) will be included in the export.



Partner Plan

Partner Plan Dashboard Widget

Partner Executives and Managers will now be able to monitor their progress for active Partner Plans using the new dashboard widget. The widget is automatically displayed to Executives and Managers of companies that have active plans.

The Partner Plan dashboard widget has two parts:

  1. Overall Completion: Shows the overall progress of the plan and completion rate
  2. Section Progress: Shows progress of each section. Click on a tile to be redirected to that section in the Partner Plan. 


Note: Currently, the Switch To function does not display the Partner Plan dashboard widget to System Admins and User Admins that impersonate Partner Executives and Managers. The Allbound team is actively working on this issue and hopes to resolve this soon. 


Partner Plan Notifications

Partner Executives and Managers will now receive an email notification when their company is assigned a partner plan.



Additional Enhancements

UX Update on Customize Columns Dropdown

The Customize Columns Dropdown has been updated on all modern (react UI) tables to improve the usability of the menu. 


Now, when you click the Columns button for a table, a Customize Columns drawer will open with the following features:

  1. Add Columns: Displays a dropdown of all fields that you can select to add as a column in the table view
  2. Handle: Drag-and-drop the order of the columns according to how you want to see the columns displayed in the table (top to bottom: left to right)
  3. Object Icon: On tables that support multiple objects, an icon is displayed so you can differentiate which object the field is associated with
    • Note: currently only the Users table and the Companies table support multiple objects:
      • Users table allows you to add fields from the Company object
      • Companies table allows you to add fields from the Partner Plan object
  4. X icon (field): Removes from the column from the table
  5. Apply button: Closes the drawer and applies the current column configuration to the table
  6. Reset button: Resets the Customize Columns drawer to the default configuration
  7. X icon (drawer): Closes the drawer without applying any changes

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