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How to Add Gamification to Your Portal

  • Updated


This article provides an in-depth look at how to apply Gamification to your Allbound portal as an Allbound Administrator user. Also listed are our recommended best practices/tips and frequently asked questions about this feature.



Gamification is a powerful tool that can boost partner experience and engagement by rewarding them for undertaking tasks they should already be performing within the platform and incentivizing best practice. Gamification is scientifically proven to trigger emotions linked to positive user-experience. It gives the user control, reinforces good behavior, and provides them with a sense of achievement. Gamification encourages healthy competition both within the user and amongst their colleagues.


Gamification Use Cases

Please read this article for our best practices on building your own Gamification program.


Where to Access the Gamification Settings

*Note: only Allbound Administrator users with the Content and/or System Settings permission(s) enabled may access the Gamification Settings section of the portal


1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Gamification Settings"




An Overview of the Gamification Settings

As an Allbound Administrator user, you may establish the global Gamification rules across the platform within the Gamifications Settings. Within these settings, you can strategically choose which actions to "gamify" by assigning a point value and frequency.




A. The Points & Actions tab: Choose which actions to "gamify" by assigning a point value and frequency. (Example: if a user logs into the portal 5 times within 10 days, they can earn 10 points.)

*Note: if there is no frequency or numbers of days set, the user's ability to earn points through that activity are infinite

B. The Gamification Levels tab: Set levels to your Gamification program to further incentivize partner behavior. Setting levels gives partners something to strive for and sets attainable goals. It can also create friendly competition. Keep in mind that the Gamification levels apply to the individual user and not the overall company account. (Example: 2,000 points = Bronze level, 4,000 points = Silver level, 6,000 points = Gold level)

C. The Clear Points tab: Manually or automatically clear points (back to "0") for all users

D. The User Points tab: User Points/Gamification Points History table gives you visibility of all user points broken down by individual. You may export this report as an Excel file or CSV. With this tab, you can see each user’s point history and analyze the user’s Total Redeemable Points, Total Points Earned, Total Points Redeemed, and Total Points Cleared:

  • Total Redeemable Points - displays the total amount of points a user generated - minus the amount of points the user has already redeemed
  • Total Points Earned - shows the number of points generated - including points redeemed
  • Total Points Redeemed - shows the number of points a user has already redeemed
  • Total Points Cleared - allows you to see if any points have been taken away from the user

E. The Gamification Activity tab: Gamification Activity shows you a more in-depth report of user activity and enables you to manually control the number of points generated for each action. You may export this report as an Excel file or CSV. In this view, you can see each action taken by a user and when the action was taken. You will also note that the Points column is open to edit; if for any reason you need to alter the amount of points a user generates, you can adjust the number here. This report is extremely beneficial for those who are managing points manually

F. Activate Gamification: Toggle on this setting to activate Gamification across the platform. Toggle off this setting to deactivate Gamification across the platform

G. Points Limits: Set the maximum amount of points each of your users may obtain within a number of days (Example: 10,000 points / 90 days.) If you are using our Points Redemption feature, it is necessary to set a limit for the number of points so you can control the expectations around rewards and ensure you have sufficient funds

H. Rules & Disclaimer: Type out your company's disclaimer(s) for Gamification. Both of these will display in each user's Gamification Leaderboard


The Gamification Leaderboard

When Gamification is enabled, all of your portal users can view the Leaderboard to see where they stack-up against their colleagues; promoting healthy competition.


Where to Find the Gamification Leaderboard

All portal users can find the Gamification Leaderboard by clicking on their profile icon within the top toolbar and then clicking "Leaderboard"




An Overview of the Gamification Leaderboard

*Note:​ Users with an "Owner" or a "Manager" role in Allbound will not show on the Leaderboard.




A. My Points: Shows user's current total amount of points

B. My Rank: Shows user's current numerical ranking within their company

C. Current Level: Per the user's total amount of points, shows the user their current level. This setting is found within the Gamification Settings > Gamification Levels tab

D. "Redeem Points" button: If the Points Redemption feature is enabled, users may click this button to redeem their points for gift cards

E. "My Points" button: Click to view the exportable My Points table which shows the user's individual points history and completed actions. The My Points table also shows the global Gamification Rules and Disclaimer(s)

F. The Leaderboard table: An exportable table that shows users where they rank amongst each other. Non Allbound Administrator users will only see their colleagues from their same primary company

G. Leaderboard table filters: Filters and narrows down the results of the Leaderboard. Non Allbound Administrator users will only see the "Date range..." filter

H. Points Breakdown: A visual graph that shows how a user's points are distributed


Applying Gamification to Content

Allbound Administrator users can strategically assign a higher point value for important individual pieces of content and/or Learning Tracks.


*Note:​ By applying points to content, the rules set on the individual content will overrule the point values you may have set up in the Gamification Settings






A piece of content that has been "gamified" will be highlighted with a gold trophy icon (outlined in above image with red circle.)


"Gamifying" actions for content:

  • Shared via email
  • Shared via social media
  • Completed form
  • Viewed content


When a user clicks and/or hovers over the trophy, a pop-up box will show the total amount of earn-able points and the points breakdown. When a user has completed all of the associated actions and earned the points, the trophy will turn gray.


As an Allbound Administrator user, when you create and/or edit a piece of content, you will see a section to add Gamification rules where you can determine what action you want them to take in regards to the material. Additionally, you can set frequency, time constraints, and the number of points available.


Best Practices/Tips

  • To strategically enable Gamification for your portal, we recommend these best practices:
    • When activating Gamification on your portal, we have seen customers trial Gamification without gift card redemption for a couple of weeks to strategically gauge which limits need to be put into place and how many points should be assigned to each action.
    • We recommend that customers set limits to the frequency in which users can earn points per action, as well as set up withdrawal limits. This gives you greater control over how many points can be earned and redeemed if you have gift card redemption active. You may want to think about the user journey and which actions users should be performing, and how frequently they will take place to guide this decision.
  • To prevent you and your partner users from abusing the Gamification feature, follow this best practice:
    • Some customers choose to reset Gamification points after a certain time period, this could be monthly, quarterly or yearly. You can use a specific timeframe in which users can redeem points to limit accountability. To do this, you would allow users to earn points throughout the year but only have gift card redemption activated at certain times, to give users a specified window of time to redeem gift cards before turning this feature off. Any points not redeemed during that period would then be reset when the next month, quarter or year begins.
  • To drive adoption of the Gamification feature for all of your users in the portal, follow this best practice:
    • Educate your partners about this incentive! Ensuring that partners know they can earn (and redeem) points in the portal will encourage them to perform the desired actions. Some customers choose to place a call to action button or hero image on their dashboard informing their partners of Gamification, and others will share information about Gamification in webinars or newsletters.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q.   Can we be selective of who views the Gamification feature? (Ex. apply Static and/or Dynamic Group visibility to Gamification?)

A.   At this time, we do not support Group or selective visibility for Gamification. It is all or nothing across the platform

Q.   Can we feed Gamification activity back into a CRM; to set up alerts when a user reaches a specific point amount? Can we map the levels within the Gamification Settings?

A.   The Allbound platform does not feed any Gamification activity back into a CRM

Q. Is there a way to assign Gamification points to specific groups? (Example: Group A receives 10 points for viewing Content X; Group B receives 20 points for viewing Content Y?)

A.   No, Gamification specifically gives points based on the user's completed actions within the platform

Q.   Can we manually assign or edit points for users?

A.   Yes, you may use the Gamification Activity table and the Points column to manually add and/or edit points for specific users

Q.  Is there a way to send notifications to partner users whenever they reach a new Gamification tier/level?

A.   At this time, the portal does not send notifications to partner users whenever they reach a new Gamification tier/level

Q.  As an Allbound Administrator user, can I manually add additional Gamification Rules that display within the "My Points" section of the Leaderboard?

A.   At this time, you may only add your own information to the Disclaimer section for Gamification


If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about our Gamification feature:

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