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How to Share Pieces of Content

  • Updated


This instructional article shows Allbound Administrator users how to mark pieces of content as "sharable" within the portal. Also listed are frequently asked questions.



In order to share a piece of content via email and/or social media, you need to toggle on a setting within a piece of content.



*Note: only Allbound Administrator users with the Content and/or System Settings permission(s) enabled can edit pieces of content


1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon within the top toolbar and then click "Content"




3. Click the "Content & Resources" tile

4. Use the search bar to find the piece of content. With your mouse, hover over its title and then click "Edit"




5. While in the editing screen of a piece of content, scroll down to the Settings box. And then click on the "Content tab"

6. Click the checkboxes to toggle on the "Share via email" and/or "Share via social media"




7. Click the "Publish" button in the upper right box to save your changes


Frequently Asked Questions


Q.   Is there a way to only share content via LinkedIn?

A.   When you toggle on the "Share via social media" setting, all social networks will be listed; LinkedIn, Twitter (X,) Facebook, and Email. You cannot specifically choose your preferred method of sharing to social media



If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about Allbound Content:

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