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How To Use The Bell Icon for Platform Alerts and Notifications

  • Updated


In this article, you will learn how to push notifications to users within your Allbound platform. These notifications will be shown in the bell icon at the top-right toolbar of your portal, and will notify users via email to ensure your notification is received



You can schedule the notifications for a date in the future, or push them out immediately. If you decide to set a specific date/time, please note that the time is reflected in GMT, not your current time zone. 

You can set visibility on notifications as well, if you want certain notifications to be private vs public.


Notifications Without a Designated Attached Link

If you do not specify a link in the section for "Link", the notification will open to a page where your message is displayed with specified content, or related content. 


- Tip: You can add a hyperlink to the body of the message in the notification, or even create a designated form to add to the notification.


Notifications With a Designated Attached Link

If you add a link to the notification, it will not open up as a message, but instead it will immediately take them to the link destination. When creating a link notification, it is recommend to add the message you wish to convey in the title of the notification.




Who Receives the Notification?

You can choose to send the notification to all users, or specific users or groups. 




All notifications will be sent with an email copy to the users as well as a push notification in the bell icon.


How to View All Notifications (Past, Present, and Future)

To view all notifications, you must click "View All Notifications", then click the + in the notification center.





On the left-hand side menu, click "All Notifications", as shown below. 




Screen Recording

Here's a screen recording that ties all the above information together: Click Here To See Notifications In Action


Where can you view who viewed the notifications from the bell icon?

You can report on this using Channel Insights. Navigate to Allbound Settings > Channel Insights > then click on the Reports tab within Channel Insights.

Next, select your desired timeline with the Activity Date input, and specify your Post Type Label as "Notification".

Next, select the Post Type "is notification". 


You do not need to select an Action, but if you do, make sure to select "viewed_page". 

Finally, click the Update button (blue circle displaying a refresh icon) to render your results. 

Your final result should look something like this:



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