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How to Create and Edit Pieces of Content in Your Portal

  • Updated


This article will instruct Allbound Administrator users how to create and edit pieces of content within the "Content & Resources" repository in the portal. Also listed are our recommended best practices/tips and frequently asked questions.



An integral part of you and your partners' journey through the Allbound platform is consuming, sharing, and downloading content. Regardless of the format of your material, (PDF, Image PNG, Powerpoint PPT, Video, etc.,) you can easily upload it as a piece of content within your portal. Your users may use the portal's global search bar located within the top toolbar of the portal to search for a piece of content's title and/or keywords within its description box.


*Note: only Allbound Administrator users from your company with the Content AND/OR the System Settings permission(s) toggled on can follow the below instructions and are allowed to create and/or edit pieces of content


Components of a Piece of Content




A. Content Title

B. Content Body Description Text

C. Heart Icon: Click here to "like" this piece of content

D. Pushpin Icon: Click here to "pin" this piece of content to your dashboard for easy access

E. Gold Trophy Icon: Hover and/or click here to view Gamification points allotment by interacting with this piece of content

F. Settings Gear Icon: As an Allbound Administrator user, click here to edit this one piece of content

G. "+ Playbook" Button: Click here to add this piece of content to your own Playbook

H. "Share" Button: Click here to share this button via email and/or social media 

I. Featured Image


*Note: if the main asset for a piece of content is a video, a translucent "Play" icon will overlay the Featured Image. Users can click on the Featured Image to begin playing the video. See example image:




J. Asset Icon: Designates which type of asset is attached (doc, mov, pdf, etc.)

K. "View Now" button: View the attached asset for this piece of content; click this button to achieve a 100% completion rate for this piece of content

L. "Co-Brand" Button: Click here to Co-Brand this piece of content's main asset

M. "Download" Button: Click here to download this piece of content's main asset straight to your computer

N. Content Filters

O. Additional Supporting Assets

P. "Download" Button for Supporting Assets


How to Create A New Piece of Content

There are two ways to create a new piece of content within the portal:

  • From the Content Settings
  • Within the Content & Resources repository


Creating a New Piece of Content From the Content Settings

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Content"




3. Click on the "Content & Resources" tile




4. Click on the "Add Content & Resources" button




Creating a New Piece of Content Within the Content & Resources Repository

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. From the Dashboard, click on the "Content & Resources" tab from the left-hand navigation panel


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3. Click the "+ Resource" button in the right hand corner


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Components of Content Settings

When you create a new piece of content, the screen below will show:




A. Content Title

B. Content Body Description Text: Add a description for this piece of content. Include additional media by clicking the "Add Media" button and/or include an existing Form within your portal by clicking the "Add Form" button

C. Settings Box: Set this piece of content's settings between the "Content," "Gamification," and "Visibility" tabs (view outlined photos below)

D. Transposh Box: Displays real-time publication status

E. Publish Box: Displays official publication status with date, time, and visibility

F. Filter/Tag Boxes: A box that shows the filter and tags for you to easily organize your content. Can customize: instead of "Type," "Product," "Audience," "Sales Stage," re-name to something else

G. Featured Image Box: Upload a featured image for this piece of content from your portal's Media Library


Outlining the Content Settings Box

The Content Tab, the Assets Box




A. Attach Main Asset: Click the "Add Media" button to upload a file from the Media Library in Allbound. You may also directly paste a share link from popular video sites: Vidyard, Vimeo, YouTube, or Wistia

B. Attach Supporting Asset(s:) Add a title and attach supporting asset(s) in addition to the main asset. For example, perhaps your main asset is a video that describes the content. You may upload the source PowerPoint file, PDF file, and image file as supporting assets so that the users can see all related assets at once

C. "+" Button: Click this button to add additional supporting asset(s)


The Content Tab, the Content Attributes Box




A. Visibility Options: Toggle on to hide this piece of content from the main content repository tab, "Content & Resources"

B. Sharing Options: Toggle on these settings to share via email and/or social media. When activated, these buttons are displayed below the content's Featured Image

C. Co-Brand Options: Toggle on to add Co-Branding to this piece of content

D. Set Priority (Optional:) Choose a number to organize this piece of content within the "Content & Resources" repository. "1" means the content will appear in the top left corner of the page, "9999" means the content will appear towards the bottom of the page; you may use all numbers in between


The Gamification Tab




Only if you have Gamification enabled in your portal, this tab will show in Content Settings. You may choose which Gamification "Action" and amount of points you would like to apply to this piece of content.


The Visibility Tab




A. Group Visibility: Select which Group (Dynamic and/or Static) can view this piece of content. When enabled, only these selected Groups will be able to view this piece of content

B. Company Visibility: Select which Company in your portal can view this piece of content. When enabled, only these selected Companies will be able to view this piece of content


*Note: when you do not apply any Group and/or Company visibility to a piece of content, the piece of content will be visible to all of your portal users


How to Edit a Piece of Content

There are three ways to edit pieces of content within the portal:



Editing a Piece of Content From the Content Settings

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Content"

3. Click the "Content & Resources" tile

4. Use the search bar to lookup and find the piece of content you would like to edit

5. With your mouse, hover over the blue title of the piece of content and then click "Edit"




Editing a Piece of Content Straight from the Piece of Content

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Use the search bar in the top toolbar to find the piece of content you would like to edit

2a. Or, from the Dashboard, click the "Content & Resources" tab from the left-hand navigation panel

3. Click into the piece of content and then click the settings gear icon within the description box


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1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Use the search bar in the top toolbar to find the piece of content you would like to edit

2a. Or, from the Dashboard, click the "Content & Resources" tab from the left-hand navigation panel

3. Hover over the piece of content's Featured Image and then click the settings gear icon




Editing a Piece of Content Through the Content Management Tool


Best Practices/Tips

  • To successfully create a seamless educational content journey for your partner users, follow these best practices/tips:
    • Before uploading any content into Allbound, we recommend strategically planning which collateral you wish to add to your portal. Meet with your marketing team and gather various collateral that you would want your partner users to share with prospects. Also, ask your marketing team to provide high-quality and professional images that you can use as Featured Images for your pieces of content.
    • You can add filters and tags to your pieces of content. With content filters, your users can easily search and find what they are looking for (best examples include: "brochure," "white page," "video," etc.) Within the Content & Resources repository, you may have a maximum of 5 filters.
    • Always refresh your content to keep your users engaged! We recommend adding new pieces of content each quarter. To further enhance, toggle on the "Set Priority" setting for your most important pieces so they always show at the top of the page when users click into the Content & Resources repository.
    • Upload unique and attention-grabbing Featured Images.
  • To further drive your partners' engagement with the portal, follow these best practices/tips:
    • To entice and remind your users that new content is available, we recommend toggling on the "New" content flag within your Account Settings. Instructions: Click on the Settings Gear icon within the top toolbar > click on "Account Settings" > within the General tab and Configurations category, scroll down until you see "Select a time frame to display the 'New' content flag" field > select a time-frame from the drop-down menu > Save changes.


    • We recommend customizing the "Overview" Description box for a piece of content. In this space, you may add images, created forms within your portal, links, etc. Some best examples are:
      • Include a "description/purpose" statement (Example: This asset will help you sell to X-Type of prospect.)
      • Include a "use case" statement (Example: With this asset, your prospect(s) may gain a better understanding of our product and/or service.)
      • Include a couple of links that your partners may visit that adhere to the theme of this piece of content.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q.   Can I upload a piece of content in multiple languages?

A.   Yes, you can create piece of contents in multiple languages to accommodate your global partners. View this article to learn more about supporting multiple languages in your portal. Note that the piece of content's attached asset needs to be written in your preferred language. Furthermore, if your portal has enabled our Allbound Translation plugin, users may choose their preferred language and then view the piece of content.

Q.   I am not ready to publish a piece of content, can I save it as a draft?

A.   Yes, you may save a piece of content as a draft. Within the Content Settings and in the "Publish" box, you can choose "Save as... Draft" as a status.

Q.   I am not ready to publish a piece of content, can I schedule it to be published at a later date?

A.   Yes, you may schedule a piece of content to be published at a later date. Within the Content Settings and in the "Publish" box, click the down arrow next to the "Publish Immediately" field, and then set your date and time for this piece of content to be published. *Note: our portal's time zone is automatically set to GMT time zone. Thus, please be mindful of the time when you want to publish your content.

Q.   How can I delete a piece of content?

A.   We highly recommend that you never ever delete content from your portal! Deleting a piece of content is so permanent that even our Allbound Support Team cannot retrieve it once it is deleted. Instead, we recommend Archiving old pieces of content rather than deleting them. Learn How to Archive Content .

Q.   How can I bulk-edit/view my pieces of content?

A.   You may bulk-edit/view your pieces of content with our feature, the Content Management Tool   . *Note: This tool is only available in our Allbound Growth and Premium packages. If you are interested in this feature, please speak to your Customer Success Manager (CSM.)

Q.   Can I export a report of when a piece of content was last modified/edited?

A.   Yes, there are two ways that you can export a report of when a piece of content was last modified/edited. The first way is through the Content Management Tool. You may add the "Last Updated" column to the table and then export it. The second way is through the Dashboard. You may click on the "Content & Resources" repository tab from the left-hand navigation panel > next to the "Available Content" title, click the horizontal lines "list view" icon > click "Export."

Q.   Am I able to set a shelf life for a piece of content? For example, can I have a piece of content automatically archive itself in 12 months once it is posted?

A.   Unfortunately, the platform is not capable of setting a shelf life for a piece of content. However, if you have the Content Management Tool, you can filter and then add the "The Create Date" column to the table and then archive the pieces of content in bulk.

Q.    If I want to share a piece of content to LinkedIn, where does the user's profile photo pull from? Is it from LinkedIn or Allbound?

A.   The user's profile photo will pull from Allbound when a user shares a piece of content to LinkedIn.

Q.   If I want to share a piece of content to LinkedIn, can I change the featured image to reflect with my company's branding on my page?

A.   If a piece of content from Allbound is shared to LinkedIn, the piece of content's featured image remains the same. A user cannot edit the photo. However, a user may always edit the verbiage to post on their LinkedIn page.

Q.   Why am I receiving a 404-Error when I click on a piece of content? How can I troubleshoot?

A.   If you are receiving a 404-Error when clicking on a piece of content, you should always check that the piece of content has been officially published. If it is in draft or it is archived, you will receive a 404-Error. If this error still persists, please open a support ticket.

Q.   How long does it take for my edits to show in a piece of content?

A.    The platform will take about 10-15 minutes for all of your edits to show.

Q.   For a piece of content’s visibility, can we add both Group and Company visibility to a piece? Or is it strictly just one or the other?

A.  You can add both, but it functions as an "AND" parameter. Thus, users must be in the Group AND in the Company to view a piece of content.

Q.   Within a piece of content, can we attach multiple assets?

A.   Yes, you may add additional Supporting Assets to a piece of content. For example, perhaps your main asset is a video that describes the content. You may upload the source PowerPoint file, PDF file, and image file as supporting assets so that the users can see all related assets at once.

Q.   How many Supporting Assets can I add to a piece of content?

A.   You may add as many Supporting Assets as you like to a piece of content; there is no limit.

Q.   How do I achieve a one-hundred percent completion rate on a piece of content with Supporting Assets?

A.   To achieve a one-hundred percent completion rate for a piece of content, a portal user will only need to view/watch the main asset. Users do not need to interact with supporting assets to achieve a one-hundred percent completion rate.

Q.   What will my attached assets look like to my partner users?

A.   .pdfs, images, and internet links will open in a new browser tab, videos will open on the same page within the portal, and other files such as .docs, .pptx will be downloaded straight to the user's computer.

Q.   Is it possible to bulk-upload Featured Images for content in the portal?

A.   Currently, there is no way to bulk-upload featured images for content in the portal.

Q.   Is it possible to bulk-remove attached Gamification points for content in the portal?

A.   Currently, there is no way to bulk remove attached Gamification points for content in the portal.



If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about Allbound content:

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