In this article, Allbound Administrator users will learn how to:
- Create Certifications
- Attach Certifications to External LMS Training or Allbound Learning Tracks
- Manage created and issued Certifications
Also listed are our best practices/tips and frequently asked questions.
The key benefits of Certifications:
- Manage Certifications to be issued on Learning Tracks
Automate Certification issuance on completion of Learning Tracks
Allow sharing of Certificates on LinkedIn
Allow verifiability of Certificates earned by partner users
Where and How to Create a New Certification
*Note: only Allbound Administrator users with the Content AND System Permissions enabled can create a Certification
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon within the top toolbar and then click "Training & Certifications"
3. From the main Certifications screen, click the "+ Create Certification" button
The "Create Certification" form allows you to add the following information:
- Status: Toggle on this Certification as Active/Inactive
- Name of Certification: This is a mandatory field that defines the Certification
- Description field: Add an optional description to this Certification
- Expiration field: Choose this Certification's expiry date. The options are as follows
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 3 years
- Never
*Note: the expiry date is based on the date on which the user obtains the Certification. Not the date when an Allbound Administrator user creates a new Certification
5. Completion Criteria field: This is an optional field where you may add links, bullet points, etc. to define the Certificate
6. Skills field: This is an optional field where you may add multiple skills. This signifies the skills attained by the user when they have completed the list of training attached to the Certification.
7. Badge Image: This is a mandatory field where you may upload your badge image for this Certificate. The recommended badge image dimensions are 500px (w) x 500px (h.) This badge will be assigned to users who complete the attached training.
*Note: the badge image needs to be created by you and your team externally and then uploaded into Allbound
8. Training: You can add multiple trainings to a Certification. The training can be Allbound learning tracks or external LMS training. You can also club the learning track with external LMS training as a requirement to complete the Certification.
9. Visibility Restriction: If you want to restrict the access of Certification to certain groups of users, you can select the names of the groups here from the dropdown. Any user who is not in a group that is selected in this would not get the certification even though they complete the attached training.
*Note: Best practice is to make sure that the group access added to Certification is same as the group access added to the Learning Tracks
Where and How to Manage Your Certifications
*Note: only Allbound Administrator users with the Content AND System Permissions enabled can manage Certifications
Once you have created your Certification, it will be available in the "Manage Certifications" table
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon within the top toolbar and then click "Training & Certifications"
3. You will be directed to the Manage Certifications table
Outlining the Manage Certifications Table
A. Search Bar: Search for information from this table
B. The "+ Certifications" button: Click here to create a brand-new Certification
C. The "+ Predated Certifications" button: Once you have clicked on the checkbox next to a specific Certification name, this button will populate. You may click this button to issue predated Certifications to users. (Use case: you have created a Learning Track six months ago, but today you want to add a Certification to it. Since six months have passed, users have been completing the Learning Track and not receiving the Certification. Click the "+ Predated Certifications" button to award those users this Certification now)
D. The "Filters" button: The filter options are:
- Status
- Expiration
E. The "Columns" button: Re-arrange and organize this table by customizing the columns. The column options are:
- Certification
- Training
- Description
- Skills
- Source
- Status
- Expiration
- Created By
- Date Created
- Last Updated
- Allbound ID
F. "Export" button: Export and download this table in .Excel or CSV file format
G. Checkboxes: Click the top check box to "select all" table information. Or, click the check box next to select only one table row's information
H. The 3-Dot Menu: click here to Deactivate, Issue Predated, or Delete this one Certification.
*Note: when you deactivate a Certification, the completion of the associated Learning Track will no longer issue a certificate
The Certifications Details Page
As an Allbound Administrator user, when you click on a Certification name from within the Manage Certifications table, you may view the details of the Certification you have created and also all the training associated with the Certification. From this screen you may also apply Group visibility to the Certification.
Certifications: Visibility Rules by Allbound User Roles
Allbound Administrator User with Content AND System Permissions Enabled
- Can create new Certifications and manage all Certifications
- Can view all of the issued badges for every user within the platform
- Can delete issued badge(s) for a user(s)
- Can search, customize, filter, and export the Issued Certifications table
Partner Subscriber User with an Executive and/or Manager Role
- Can view all badges issued to users of their primary company
- Can search, customize, filter, and export the Certifications table
Partner Subscriber User Who is Not a Manager and/or Executive Role
- Can only view Certificates awarded to them
- Can download the badge
- Can verify the badge
- Can share the badge on LinkedIn (Learn How to Share a Certification Badge on LinkedIn)
Best Practices/Tips
- To successfully upload a badge image into the portal, follow this best practice:
- A badge image should be no more than 500 pixels (w) x 500 pixels (h.) Upload your image to the Allbound Media Library
- Once a new Certification has been created, you cannot revisit and edit it. You can however, save a Certificate in a "Draft" status before officially publishing. To ensure your Certification is perfect, follow these best practices:
- Strategically fill out the "Create a Certification" form with all of your information. Think about which skills and completion criteria you want your partner users to gain from the associated Learning Track
- Discuss badge images with your design team. We recommend uploading unique, attention-grabbing, and professional-looking images so your users may share these badges on their LinkedIn profiles
- Before creating a new Certification, ensure that your badge image is correctly sized and uploaded to the Allbound Media Library
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who can create a Certification?
A. Allbound Administrator users with the System AND Content permissions enabled can create a Certification
Q. Can I create a badge image in Allbound?
A. Unfortunately, currently any Allbound user cannot create a badge within Allbound
Q. Which file types can be uploaded as a badge?
A. Only images can be uploaded as a badge. File types allowed are: PNG and JPEG and JPG
Q. Which Allbound users can view all of the badges issued to users within the platform?
A. An Allbound Administrator user with the System and/or Content permissions enabled can view all badges issued to all users within the platform. Please review this section in this article to learn more
Q. Who can share a badge on LinkedIn?
A. Any Allbound users who receive a badge can share a badge on LinkedIn
Q. Where can the badge receiver share the badge link?
A. Any Allbound users can share the badge link anywhere, not just on LinkedIn
Q. If a Certification expires, will users need to retake the Learning Track quiz, or will the platform re-set the content within the Learning Track so a user has to retake it?
A. For expiration, the training to be completed is marked as incomplete for the user to re-complete. This feature of reenabling the Learning Track for re-completion is under planning and development.
Q. Can I associate multiple Certifications with one Learning Track?
A. Yes, multiple learning tracks can be associated with a certification.
Q. Can I edit an existing Certification? (Example: can I go back and re-upload a different badge image to an existing Certification?)
A. We regret to inform you that currently, there is no way to edit any information within a published Certification. If you need to make changes, you will have to deactivate the Certification and then create a new one with your desired changes. You can however, save a Certificate in a "Draft" status before officially publishing
Q. Which types of notifications are sent when a Certification is issued?
A. An Allbound default system email notification is sent to the user who completed a Learning Track with an attached Certification. The email contains a photo of the badge image, the Certification issued date, the Certification expiry date, and a link to the Allbound portal
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.
Also, please refer to these articles to further learn more about our Certifications feature: