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Where to View, Verify, and Download Certification Badges

  • Updated


In this article, you will learn how to:

  • View issued badges as an Allbound Administrator and partner user
  • Verify badges as an Allbound Administrator and partner user


The key benefits of Certifications:

  • Manage Certifications to be issued on Learning Tracks
  • Automate Certification issuance on completion of Learning Tracks

  • Allow sharing of Certificates on LinkedIn

  • Allow verifiability of Certificates earned by partner users

Where to View Certification Badges

Upon completing a Learning Track with an active Certification attached, all Allbound users regardless of their user role can easily view a Certification badge. The badge information is viewed on a link that can be shared with people inside or outside of the Allbound platform.


1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. From the dashboard's left-hand navigation panel, click on the "Training & Pre-Sales" tab




3. Click on the "Issued Certifications" tab




4. Click on the Certification name you wish to view




How to Verify or Download a Certification Badge

All Allbound users regardless of their user role can easily self-verify a Certification badge. The badge information is viewed on a link that can be shared with people inside or outside of the Allbound platform. Follow the above instructions and when you click on the Certification name from the Issued Certifications tab, the below screen will appear that shows the Certificate's details including:

  • Name of the user
  • Name of certification
  • Badge Image
  • Description of Certification
  • Skills
  • Completion Criteria
  • All the training that has been completed by the user



To self-verify a badge, you may simply click on the "Copy Link" button to copy the Certification badge's link and then paste it into a new internet browser tab. Within the new browser tab, you may click the "Verify Badge" button.




A pop-up window will emerge with the verified Certification badge information



To download a Certification badge image, simply click on the "Download" button from the Certification's details page. The image will download straight to your computer so you may upload or share with anyone internal or external to the Allbound portal.




If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about our Certifications feature:

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