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Product Release - May 17, 2023

  • Updated

Advanced User Management

Quick Copy

To make it easier to copy field values for fields that may be commonly copied, we added a quick copy button to the following fields on the User record, User Details tab:

  • Email Address
  • Allbound ID
  • CRM ID

To use the quick copy feature:

  1. On the User Details tab, click the quick copy icon next to the field you want to copy
  2. A success toaster will display "Copied!" to let you know the value was copied to the clipboard
  3. Paste the copied value wherever you need to use it.



UX Updates

We've made a few more UX updates to continue creating a more streamlined user interface.


Content Asset Buttons

We've updated the button designs on all Assets attached to Content for a more modern look consistent with the rest of the portal. Additionally, we've consolidated the email and social media sharing buttons under a single Share button. Now, to share to social media or email, click Share and a drop-down list of sharing options will be displayed for selection. 




Prospect Pages

Prospect Pages previously had an Options column with buttons for View, Email, Duplicate, and Delete. These buttons were inconsistent with the rest of the button functions in the portal.


Now, we've moved all Prospect Page buttons to the kebab (3 dots) menu where you will still find the same options available.


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