In an organizational setting, managing user roles and permissions is crucial to maintain data integrity and enforce security measures. This article focuses on a specific scenario where a deal owner's name needs to be changed from "John Doe" to "Jane Lee" within the same primary company. To ensure proper authorization, it is necessary to establish role-based access control (RBAC) protocols that restrict user privileges based on their role and hierarchical position within the company. This article explores the RBAC framework and outlines the conditions under which a user can change the deal owner, emphasizing the significance of the manager and executive role in the same primary company.
Understanding Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) & User Hierarchy
- Familiarize yourself with the RBAC framework, which controls user access to resources based on their roles and permissions.
- Learn about the hierarchical structure in RBAC, where certain roles are considered "above" or "below" others based on organizational hierarchy.
In Allbound Settings > Users > Select Specific User > Select The Hierarchy tab.
This tool is useful for understanding a user's scope of visibility for leads, deals, MDF, and commissions. For ease of explanation, only deal visibility will be referenced below. The partner role hierarchy determines which users can see which users deals. The hierarchy is as follows, from top to bottom:
- Account Owner - can see all deals for roles below them
- Executive: cannot see other Executive's deals, can see all deals for roles below them
- Manager: cannot see other Manager's deals, can see all deals for roles below them
- Sales: can only see their own deals
While viewing the Hierarchy tab:
Hierarchy tab is selected: A table displays all users above the current user and all users below the current user.
- Note: The role displayed in the table is the user's role for their primary company.
- Search for a user in by Name or Email to quickly narrow down the list of users
- Click the Filters button to filter the table by Primary Company or Hierarchy value (Below User or Above User)
- A Hierarchy tag identifies each user's position relative to the current user record:
- Below User: A user that is below the current user according to their role in the hierarchy. The current user can see all of these user's deals since they are below them.
- Above User: A user that is above the current user according to their role in the hierarchy. All Above User's can see all of the current user's deals since they are above them.
For more details about Allbound user management, please reference this article: User Management
Changing Deal Owner (Rep Registering Deal)
To change the deal owner, you must follow the guidelines above for the user hierarchy.
Scenario: If the deal owner is "John Doe" and needs to be changed to "Jane Lee" from the same primary company, then the user making the change must be a manager or executive role of the same primary company as John and Jane. The manager or executive will first assign the deal to themselves and save the record. Once the deal owner is a manager or executive, the dropdown populates with the users that are below the deal owner on the user hierarchy.
The user hierarchy is what controls the available users in the deal owner dropdown on the deal registration form. It displays the below users of the user assigned to the deal, not the hierarchy based on the user who is logged in and looking at the deal.
Michael Unhoch is a manager of his primary company Office Hours.
He is assigned to the deal in the screenshot below.
He can change the deal owner to anyone that is below him in the hierarchy, or an account owner can change the deal owner to anyone that is below Michael in the hierarchy.
As an account owner, if I assign a deal to myself, I can then change the deal owner to anyone below myself in the user hierarchy. The dropdown populates based on the hierarchy of the individual assigned to the deal.
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.