This article informs Allbound partner users how to use the Co/Labs feature in the portal.
Co/Labs acts as a one-stop communication center within the Allbound portal. It is similar to an instant message platform. You can leverage Co/Labs with the Pipeline and pieces of Content. Co/Labs is beneficial for partner company communication to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Where to Access Co/Labs
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click the 3-People "Communities" icon and it will open the Co/Labs tab
How to Create a New Co/Lab
1. Click on the 3-People "Communities" icon, within the Co/Labs tab and then click the "+" icon and/or the "Start a Co/Lab" button
2. A pop-up window will emerge. You can add a Co/Lab Name and an optional Description
3. To invite other users to join this Co/Lab, click the white space in the "Invite Others to Join" field. A drop-down menu will show you all of the users from your primary company.Choose which users to invite. When finished, click the "Create Co/Lab" button
4. The Co/Lab window will open
Co/Lab Window Outlined
A. "Update Co/Lab" button: click here to save your changes to this Co/Lab
B. Message Window: this is where you can send your messages
C. Co/Lab Members box: click the "Invite" button to invite other users. This box will also show all of the members of this Co/Lab
D. Co/Lab Content box 1: use this drop-down menu to find and attach a piece of Allbound content to this Co/Lab
E. Co/Lab Content box 2: use this file upload button to attach your own files from your computer to this Co/Lab
F. Shared Content section: this section will show a list of the pieces of content/files associated with this Co/Lab
Co/Lab Settings Outlined
A. Search Bar: search for a Co/Lab name
B. View Co/Lab
C. Leave Co/Lab
D. Delete Co/Lab
How to Start a Co/Lab for a Deal
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. From the Dashboard, within the left navigation panel, click on the "Pipeline" tab/icon
3. Find and click on the name of your desired Deal
4. Click on the "Engagement" tab
5. Click on the "+" button next to "Co/Labs" to create a new Co/Lab specifically for this one Deal
*Note: this Co/Lab will only be available to the Allbound users who are associated to this specific deal
Co/Lab Notifications
If you are logged into the Allbound portal, you will receive a notification under the bell icon. A green dot over the bell icon informs you there is a new notification.
If you are not logged into the Allbound portal, you will receive an email notification at the end of the day if there has been an update to the Co/Lab you are a part of.