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All About Companies and Their Information

  • Updated


This article will outline and describe the Companies section within the Allbound platform. The Companies section is only available to Allbound Administrator users with the Users, Groups & Companies and/or the System Settings permission(s) enabled.



Whether or not your company is integrated with a CRM, the Companies section in the Allbound platform will always be available to you. The Companies section houses you and your partner company's information via what we call the "Company Admin." form. This section is also where you can add multiple whitelisted domains for seamless new partner user registration.


Companies When You Are Integrated with a CRM

If you are integrated with a CRM, your CRM is going to be the source of truth for all of your account information coming into Allbound. All of your partner companies will be synced into Allbound.


Companies When You Are Not Integrated with a CRM

If you are not integrated with a CRM, Allbound Administrator users will have to manually add companies into the Allbound portal and fill out their information in the "Edit" tab.


Where to Access Company Information

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Companies"




3. Use the searchbar to lookup the name of a company

4. Click on the blue company name, and that will take you to this company's overview tab, "Company View" page


The Company Overview Tab Outlined




A. The Overview tab

B. The Edit tab: click this tab to view/edit the Company Admin. form

C. The Members tab: click this tab to view the members of this company

D. The Associated Partners tab: click this tab to view the Associated Partners table. This table displays companies that this partner company can partner with on deals with based on rules configured within the Allbound Deal Settings

E. The Content tab: click this tab to view the Allbound pieces of content associated to this partner company

F. The Settings tab: click this tab to view and/or edit the whitelisted domains for this partner company

G. The Partner Company Name

H. Date Filter: filter the company overview tiles based on date

I. Company Overview Tiles: click on these tiles to expand more upon this company's information


The Edit Tab

The Edit tab is also known as the Company Admin. form. This form captures necessary information for the partner company. If you are integrated with a CRM, this form and fields will match your accounts information in your CRM. If you are not integrated with a CRM, this form can be customized to fit your knowledge capture needs. For this form to work, there are 5-6 mandatory fields that must be mapped.


The Allbound Status

One of the required fields on the Company Admin. form is the "(Allbound) Status" field. There are three company statuses that our platform acknowledges:

1. "Active"

An Active status means that a partner company can freely register for and access your Allbound portal. An Active company is one you are working and communicating with daily.

2. Pending

A Pending status means that a partner company and it's users are not yet allowed to register or access your Allbound portal. We describe the Pending status as a "holding cell." A use-case for this status is if a partner company is almost complete signing on and working with you (they still need to review paperwork, sign NDAs, etc.) and you anticipate their usage of your Allbound portal. Whenever the partner company signs all of the required paperwork, you can toggle their company status to Active for access to the Allbound portal.

3. Inactive

The Inactive stage means that a partner company cannot register for or access your Allbound portal whatsoever. A use-case for this status is if the relationship with a partner company went south, they are no longer a company that works with you. If a partner company was originally Active but then you decide to toggle on the Inactive status, the existing users will no longer be able to access your Allbound portal.


The Members Tab

The Members tab shows all of the members of this company who have an Allbound user profile. Also, in this section via the table, you may apply bulk-actions to these members.


The Members Table Outlined




A. Export Options: click the "Excel" or the "CSV" buttons to export this table's information

B. Searchbar

C. "Add Members" button: click here to add members to this specific company

D. Checkboxes: click the checkboxes next to the users name to bulk-edit

E. "Bulk-Actions..." drop-down menu: when you toggle on the checkboxes next to users names, choose from this list to edit the selected members and then click the "Submit" button to continue. The actions include:

  • Update Status to Active
  • Update Status to Inactive
  • Update Status to Pending
  • Edit Selected Members - choose this bulk-action to update Allbound users roles and/or primary company information

Screenshot 2023-09-25 at 9.19.48 AM.png

  • Remove Members From Company
  • Toggle MDF Permissions - choose this bulk-action to enable specific members to request MDF (marketing development) funds in the portal with our MDF feature(s)

The Content Tab

This tab shows all of the Allbound pieces of content associated to this partner company.


The Content Table Outlined




A. Export Options: click the "Excel" or the "CSV" buttons to export this table's information

B. Content Titles: shows the piece of content's title. Click on these titles to re-direct you to the piece of content's editing page

C. Searchbar

D. "Edit" button: click here to re-direct you to the back-end of the portal


The Settings Tab

The Settings tab shows the domains that are and are not whitelisted for user registration. View this article to learn more: How To Whitelist Company Domains For User Registration



If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to this article to further learn about Companies in Allbound:

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