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How Partner Users Can Use the Partner Plan Feature

  • Updated


This article informs Allbound partner users how to use the Partner Plan feature in the portal.



Your parent company has strategically created Partner Plans and assigned them to your company in order for you to reach your goals whether they be internal or external to the partner portal. A successful Partner Plan can help drive revenue, maximize ROI, and ensure that all employees are on the same page.


Partner Plan Visibility in the Portal


Once your parent company has assigned a Partner Plan to your company, users with a Manager or Executive role in the portal will receive an email notification like the below image; with a subject line of "Partner Plan created by (your Parent Company's Name)"


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 3.16.33 PM.png



Your parent company has strategically assigned you a specific user role within the portal. Only users with an Executive or Manager role can view the Partner Plan tab in the left-hand navigation panel and the Partner Plan dashboard widget if a Partner Plan has been assigned to your company. As a user with an Executive or Manager role, you may check-off specific goals within a Partner Plan.


Partner Plan Tab

See below image where the Partner Plan tab is located, outlined by the red rectangle.


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When you click on this tab, you will be re-directed to a page that shows your company's active Partner Plan. The tile shows your company's logo, the Partner Plan status (either "Active," "Scheduled," or "Completed,") and the percentage gauge. See below image.


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When you click on this tile, you will be re-directed to a page that breaks down the Partner Plan. See below image for an outline of this page.


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 3.56.19 PM.png


A. Partner Plan Status: shows the status of this specific Partner Plan. Statuses include: "Active," "Scheduled," or "Completed"

B. Name of the Partner Plan

C. Partner Company Name to which this Partner Plan is assigned

D. Partner Plan tabs: click each of these tabs to view further descriptions and goals and to check things off

E. Overall Completion: shows the completion percentage gauge for this entire Partner Plan

F. Partner Plan tab tiles: click on these tabs to view further descriptions and goals and to check things off


Partner Plan Dashboard Widget

See below image where the Partner Plan dashboard widget is located, outlined by the red rectangle. The widget is in between the "My Pins" and the "Most Popular Content/Newest Content/Recently Viewed Content" widgets.


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 4.07.12 PM.png


When you click on the individual tiles, you will be re-directed to the specific Partner Plan tab to view further descriptions and goals and to check things off.

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