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How Partner Users Can Use the Gamification Feature

  • Updated


This article informs Allbound partner users how to use the Gamification feature in the portal.



In order to encourage healthy competition and daily portal usage, your parent company has strategically assigned point values to specific portal actions. The most common "gamified" portal actions can include:


  • Logging into the portal
  • Interacting with pieces of content
  • Registering a Deal/Lead


Gamification Visibility in the Portal


When you complete a "gamified" portal action, a notification banner will display towards the toolbar at the top of the page. You can dismiss the banner by clicking the "X" icon or if left alone, the banner will automatically disappear after a couple of minutes. See below screenshot as an example:




You may always view your total amount of points by clicking on your profile icon within the top toolbar. Your points display below the headline "Hi, (Username,) You have 'X Amount' points." See below screenshot:




Gamification and Pieces of Content

"Gamified" pieces of content can be found within the "Content & Resources" and/or the "Training & Pre-Sales" repositories of the portal.


*Note: your parent company may have re-named these repositories to something else. If you have questions, contact them to find these sections


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Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 9.38.54 AM.png


Pieces of content with points attached will be highlighted with a gold trophy icon. When you hover over the gold trophy icon with your mouse, you will see how many points you can earn. See below screenshot as an example:




When you click into a piece of content, with your mouse, you can hover and/or click on the gold trophy icon to see the points breakdown. See below screenshots as examples:






The Gamification Leaderboard

The Gamification Leaderboard is available for you to view your personal Gamification statistics and how you rank against your colleagues in the portal. To access your Leaderboard, you may click on your profile icon within the top toolbar and then click on "Leaderboard." See below screenshot:




When you click on "Leaderboard," you will see your Leaderboard page. See below outlined image:




A. "My Points:" shows the total amount of points you have

B. "My Rank:" shows your number ranking amongst your colleagues

C. "Current Level:" your parent company may have assigned customized levels based on point value, your current level will show here

D. "My Points" button: click here to view your points and which actions you took to accumulate your points

E. Leaderboard Table: an exportable table that shows you where you stack amongst your colleagues

F. Date-Range filter: filter the Leaderboard table by date

G. Points Breakdown: a visual aid to see which actions you completed to gain points; hover over each section to see how your points are allocated via your completed portal actions


The "My Activity" Table

The "My Activity" table is available for you to view your earned points activity. To access your "My Activity" table, you may click on your profile icon within the top toolbar and then click on "My Activity." See below screenshot:




When you click on "My Activity," you will see an exportable table that shows you all of your completed portal actions with point values and date/time stamps. See below outlined image:




A. "My Points:" shows the total amount of points you have

B. "Current Level:" your parent company may have assigned customized levels based on point value, your current level will show here

C. "Leaderboard" button: click here to view the Gamification leaderboard

D. Rules Section: read the Gamification rules that your parent company has stipulated

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