This article informs Allbound partner users how to use Learning Tracks in the portal.
A Learning Track is a collection of similar-themed individual pieces of content combined into one module. They are used to train and onboard you as a partner user to learn information about your parent company.
Learning Tracks:
- Help onboard you into the portal
- Guide you with training(s) and other resources to help you grow and evolve
- May sometimes include brief quizzes to ensure retention of information
Where to Find Learning Tracks in the Portal
Learning Tracks are housed within the "Training & Pre-Sales" repository within the portal. Login to the Allbound platform and then from the dashboard, with your mouse, hover over the left-hand navigation panel and then click on the "Training & Pre-Sales" tab.
*Note: your parent company may have re-named this repository to something else. If you have questions, contact them to find this section
The Learning Track Tile
Within this repository, each individual Learning Track displays as a tile. Each tile shows various settings via icons and/or banners. See below outlined image:
A. Featured Image/Learning Track Thumbnail
B. Learning Track Progress Percentage Bar
C. Learning Track Title
D. Learning Track Filter
E. Heart Icon: click this icon to "like" a Learning Track
F. Pushpin Icon: click this icon to "pin" a Learning Track to your dashboard page
G. Gold Trophy Icon: with your mouse, hover over this icon to see how many points you can earn by interacting with this Learning Track
When you click into a Learning Track's tile, you will see more information as outlined in the below image:
A. Learning Track Title
B. Learning Track Description Box
C. Heart Icon: click this icon to "like" a Learning Track. The number next to the heart shows how many other portal users have liked this Learning Track
D. Pushpin Icon: click this icon to "pin" a Learning Track to your dashboard page. The number next to the pushpin shows how many other portal users have pinned this Learning Track
E. Gold Trophy Icon: click this icon to see how many points you can earn by interacting with this Learning Track
F. Featured Image/Learning Track Thumbnail
G. "+ Playbook" button: add this Learning Track to a Playbook
H. Learning Track Assets: a Learning Track usually has multiple Steps. Click through each Step and then take (if applicable,) the Quiz to complete this Learning Track
I. "Take the Quiz" tile: click on this tile to take the quiz for this Learning Track
How to Click-Through a Learning Track
When you click into a Learning Track's tile, you need to click into each Step to move forward.
First, click on "Step 1." See below image:
Next, click on the "View Now" button to view and learn about the content's attached asset. See below image:
Once you have viewed "Step 1" content's attached asset, click on "Step 2." See below image:
Once you have clicked on "Step 2," and the portal page re-loads, you will see that "Step 1" has a green check-mark icon over the featured image. This signifies that "Step 1" is 100% complete.
Now, click on the "View Now" button to view the content's attached asset for "Step 2." See below image:
Repeat the above instructions to complete all of the necessary Steps of the Learning Track.
Once you have completed all of the necessary Steps of the Learning Track, all of the Steps have the green check-mark icon over the featured image, you may click on the last Step to take the Learning Track's Quiz.
Click on the "Take the Quiz" tile to open the Quiz. When you have finished taking the Quiz, click on the "Submit" button to submit your answers. See below image.
Once you have passed the Quiz, and when you return to the main page of the "Training & Pre-Sales" repository, you will see the Learning Track percentage bar at 100% to indicate its full completion. See below image: