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Product Release - February 22, 2024

  • Updated


Pipeline is now Advanced Pipeline with an enhanced user interface and added capabilities including additional filtering options, column and table customization, and table search. 

Additionally, a default filter for New and Open deals is automatically applied in order to show the Active Pipeline.  

*This feature is now in BETA testing phase for select customers and will automatically roll out to all customers in the coming weeks.  If a system has a heavily customized pipeline table it may remain in place as-is.*



Filters are now available for system default columns and multiple filters can be applied at once to provide better filtered results for analysis.


Column + Table Customization

The Pipeline table can now have columns added, removed, and/or reconfigured based on user preference.



Pipeline now supports search input to return desired results for the user.



Open API

Our Open API allows you to fully integrate your tech stack with Allbound. It is now available for those portals that have the add-on enabled. If you are interested, please reach out to your CSM. 

Our Open API features:

  • Secure credentials that you provision in Advanced Settings: API Key or OAuth credentials
  • Ability to select permissions per credential
    • Read permission - allows for read-only functionality
    • Manage permission - allows for full system-admin level functionality: create, read, update, delete (if available)
  • Ability to revoke credentials

We have started with Companies, Users, and Actions endpoints and will be adding additional endpoints in the future. If you have a specific request for an api endpoint, please email

Companies API Endpoints

The companies endpoints allow for basic CRUD functionality for Companies. 

  • Create new company
  • Read list of all companies
  • Update an existing company
  • Delete a company

Users API Endpoints

The users endpoints allow for basic CRUD functionality for Users.

  • Create new user
  • Read list of all users
  • Update an existing user
    • Add user to company - All users must be added to a primary company after creation
  • Deactivate a user

Actions API Endpoint

The actions endpoint allows api consumers to get actions that are tracked in the system.

  • Read list of all actions

Here's a sample of actions that are available:

  • User registered
  • Logged in
  • Completed learning track
  • Viewed content
  • Registered a deal
  • Completed form
  • etc

This endpoint includes the user that took the action as well as the resource that the user acted upon. 


For more information, check out Allbound's Open API.

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