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FAQ: Allbound Open API

  • Updated

Purpose Statement

This article is intended to answer frequently asked questions regarding Allbound's Open API. This article is for both the Allbound Support team as well as customer developers and technical teams. 


Connecting to Allbound Open API

Q: What is the following error?  {"errors":[{"code":20001,"message":"Could not access the requested resource!","status":401,"more_info":"http:\/\/localhost\/docs\/errors\/20001"}]}

A: This error indicates that you are not properly authenticated to the API. Cross-check with the following checklist:

  1. In the header, ensure you have included "instance". If you are not sure of your instance, please reach out to If your portal is <companyname> then your instance is simply <companyname>
    • Note: We have an enhancement planned that will no longer require the instance name in the header. This is a temporary requirement. 
  2. In the header, ensure you have included "x-api-key". This value is provided to you by your System Admin during provisioning of an Open API api key. Once provisioned, the api key cannot be retrieved again. Therefore, if you have missplaced your api key, please reach out to your System Admin so they can re-provision a new api key. 
  3. Ensure you are hitting the correct domain for your portal:
    • If your portal is hosted in the US then your endpoints will start with
    • If your portal is hosted in the EU then your endpoints will start with

Data Latency

Q. What is the data latency that I can expect when fetching data? I've noticed after performing an action in the UI and then calling the API that the data is not yet available in the API. 

A. Some of our APIs do async processing in the background so there may be little delay between write and read.



Q. If I create a user using the API, how will the new user log into Allbound? How will they get a password?

A. After creating a user and assigning the user to a company using the API, the user can go to the portal login page and use the Reset Password flow. They will then get an email to set their password. 



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