In this article, we will provide step by step instructions for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). This stage ensures that your internal team understands the integrated pipeline process, has determined that the intended workflow is functioning as expected, and feels confident in going live with partners.
Step One - Create A Test Partner Company
Your Integration Specialist will work closely with you when it comes to mapping the fields you would like in Allbound. Once field mapping is complete, you will be instructed to do the following:
In Your CRM
- Create a new account with the word test in it (i.e. Partner Test Company), and website MUST BE testdomain.com.
DO NOT USE THE NAME ALLBOUND FOR THE TEST COMPANY - Change Allbound status from blank to “Active” or “Pending”
- Fill any fields that were mapped on accounts with your integration specialist. You can reference your integration field mapping template/excel for the list of mapped fields.
- Save new account
In Allbound
- Navigate to Gear Icon>Companies
- Confirm Test Account was created
- Click on Company>Edit
- Confirm the fields are populated correctly
In Your CRM
- Review that the Allbound ID has populated
Step Two - Create a Test User
In Allbound
- In an Incognito Window in your selected browser, register as a test user requesting an account
Company Email: TestAccountName@testdomain.com
Password: Passkey123!
*Note: Since you are registering with a pseudo email address, this email can not be activated the standard way and will require an admin on your team to activate the test user
As an admin, activate the new user in one of two ways:
- Settings Gear Icon > Users > search for the new test user > click on the ellipses (three vertical dots) to right of the user in the menu > select activate.
- Settings Gear Icon> Companies > Select Test Company Name > Members > search and select the new user > select the checkbox to the left of the user in the list > select the Bulk Actions dropdown > select "Update Status to Active" > Click Submit.
The Contact record will sync into your Salesforce on a 5-minute que.
In Your CRM
Confirm the following:
- Contact was created in CRM
- Contact fields are correct
- Confirm Allbound ID field is populated
For more information on managing your integrated partner companies and contacts, please review this document: How Partner Companies/Accounts & Contacts Integrate With Allbound + Your CRM
Step Three - Pipeline Testing
In Allbound
- Go to Users > Search for your test user.
- Use “Switch to” function to login as the test user created during the Contacts process
- Navigate to the pipeline dashboard and create a new deal
- Fill out the form
- Submit the form
- The lead record will sync into Salesforce on a 5 minute schedule
In Salesforce
- Confirm the lead was created
- Confirm the lead fields are correct
- Confirm the Allbound ID field is populated
In Salesforce
Make an update to the lead status based on the statuses that are mapped with the integration (i.e. Accept, Reject, Qualified, Disqualified; whichever you have setup with your integration specialist as the next step after the lead syncs to Salesforce) to pull in updates to the partner.
In Allbound
Review the record in Allbound (sync runs every 5 minutes)
In Salesforce
- Review this important document regarding this process: How Leads Convert to Opportunities and Sync Back To Allbound
- Convert the lead to an opportunity record in Salesforce.
- Review the Allbound ID has populated on the opportunity record in Salesforce.
In Allbound
Review the record in Allbound (sync runs every 5 minutes).
In Salesforce
Change the opportunity stage.
In Allbound
Review the record in Allbound (sync runs every 5 minutes)
In Salesforce
Change the opportunity stage to Close Won or Close Lost the opportunity in Salesforce.
In Allbound
Review the record in Allbound (sync runs every 5 minutes)
If you hit any roadblocks while testing, please document them and report them to your integration specialist, or send your findings to help@allbound.com.