This article instructs Allbound Administrator users how to submit product feedback to our engineering team directly from your portal.
As a SaaS company, we thrive on our customer's feedback. If you have any ideas for how we can improve our product to better support your partner ecosystem, please let us know by emailing feedback@allbound.com or following the below instructions.
As an Allbound Administrator user, you will see a large question mark icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your portal. This icon is our Resource Center and it is powered by Pendo. Our Resource Center allows you to submit product feedback and/or view our product updates in a timely manner.
*Note: this icon is only visible to Allbound Administrator users; your partner users will not see or have access to this icon
1. Login to your Allbound portal
2. Click on the question mark icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the page *Note: if this icon has a number hovering over it, it is indicating that we have a new product update for you to check out!
3. Click on "Share Your Feedback"
4. From the window, fill out the three fields with your feedback and then click on the "Submit request" button
Where to View Other Customer's Product Feedback
1. Login to your Allbound portal
2. Click on the question mark icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the page
3. Click on "Share Your Feedback"
4. Click on "Open in Portal"
*Note: A new tab will open and the landing page is where you can submit your feedback
5. From the left-hand menu, click on "What's Coming" to view other customer's feedback based on what is Under Consideration or what is on our Product Roadmap. From here, you can vote on specific feedback by either clicking the "thumbs up" icon or the "zzz" icon. You may also click a request's title to view more details about it
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or your Implementation Specialist.