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How to Customize Your Allbound Customizable Dashboard

  • Updated


This instructional article outlines how Allbound Administrator users can customize the Allbound Customizable Dashboard. Also listed are frequently asked questions.


The Allbound Customizable Dashboard theme allows Admins to fully customize their portal dashboard using widgets. Each widget is essentially a container that displays a customizable element on the dashboard. 


Selecting the Customizable Dashboard

To start configuring the customizable dashboard, System Admins can navigate Dashboard Settings and select Customizable Dashboard from the Theme dropdown menu. 



Default Widgets

The first time you select the Customizable Dashboard theme, the dashboard theme will display an initial set of default widgets. These default widgets are a starting point for you and mimic the same widgets currently displayed on the Minimal Dashboard theme. The default widget list includes:

  • Hero Images
  • Quick Links
  • Button Carousel
  • Calendar Events
  • Pinned Content and My Company Playbooks
  • Content List

See the screenshot below for a more detailed look at the Widgets section.


  1. Widgets Section - If the Customizable Dashboard theme is selected, a Widgets section is displayed below the theme selector. 
  2. Learn More - Click the Learn More link to learn more about the different widgets.
  3. + Widget Button - Click the add Widget button to add a new widget to the dashboard.
  4. Widget Card - As you add widgets to the dashboard, each widget is displayed as a widget card and added to the bottom of the Widgets section. Each widget card will display the Widget Nickname (if set) and column size.
  5. Drag-and-Drop Handle -  Use the drag-and-drop handle to drag-and-drop the order of the widgets as you want them displayed on the dashboard. Widgets are displayed in order from left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Widgets will automatically shift to fill the left-most available column. If there is not enough room to display a widget on a row, then the widget will shift down to the next row. With the Customizable Dashboard, you can completely reorder how widgets using the drag-and-drop handles for each widget. 
  6. Edit - Click the Edit icon to edit the widget configuration. 
  7. Delete - Click the Delete icon to remove the widget from the Customizable Dashboard theme. 

Note: After adding, editing, or deleting widgets to the theme, you must click the Save button on the Customize Dashboard page to save your dashboard settings.

  • If you are done configuring the Customizable Dashboard theme and want it to be displayed to all your portal users, then ensure that the Customizable Dashboard is selected upon Save. 
  • If you are still configuring the Customizable Dashboard theme and want users to continue to use the Minimal or Classic themes then two steps are necessary:
    1. Click the Save button to save the Customizable Dashboard widgets to Settings
    2. Immediately change the theme back to Minimal/Classic Dashboard so that users will continue to see the original theme.
      • Note: Only once you are done configuring your customizable theme will you want to leave the theme set to Customizable Dashboard. 

Adding a Widget

The Customizable Dashboard theme allows you to add many widgets to your dashboard. Some widgets maybe added more than one time and some widgets may be only be added once. 

To add a new widget, click the + Widget button on the Customize Dashboard page to open the Add Widget page. 


At a minimum, the Add Widget page displays the following:

  1. Type - Select a widget type from the dropdown menu. If a widget type is greyed out/disabled on the dropdown menu, it means you cannot add that widget type more than once to the dashboard. Type is a required field. 
  2. Nickname - Give each widget a nickname for internal configuration reference only. This allows you to differentiate each widget on the Customize Dashboard screen as you reorder widgets to set the display order.
  3. Size - The Size field shows you how many columns the widget will take up within the 3 column dashboard. The Hero Images widget allows you to select between a 2 column widget and full width 3 column widget. 
  4. View Size Guide link - Click the View Size Guide link to open a help center article that further explains the available sizes relative to the 3 column dashboard. 
  5. Group Visibility - Set group visibility at the widget level. In the event that a widget has further configuration options (such as buttons or links), the widget-level group visibility determines which groups can view the high-level widget container itself. A portal user must have visibility to the widget in order to have visibility to the individual components/widget contents (which may each have their own group visibility rules set). 
  6. Add button - Click the Add button to add the widget to the Dashboard and return back to the Customize Dashboard page.
    • Note: Remember, you have to Save the dashboard settings in order to actually save the widget to the dashboard theme. Adding the widget from the Add Widget page is a temporary add to local browser storage only. 

The following sections describe adding each widget type.

Hero Image Widget


On Selection Of Hero Images. here are the following fields that need to be filled

  1. Auto Rotation Of Hero Images - If this is marked as active, the hero image carousel will rotate, if not then the users can click on next button to view more hero images.
  2. Add Image - Click on add image button to add a new hero image
  3. Drag on Drop - Hold down the button and drag and drop the images to form a sequence of images.
  4. Delete Image - Click the delete icon to delete the image.
  5. Accordion Button - Click the button to close or open the image section.
  6. Nickname - Give each image a nickname for internal configuration reference only. This allows you to differentiate each image on the Customize Dashboard screen as you reorder images to set the display order.
  7. Image - To add an image, click on the browse button or provide an image URL
  8. Heading - Add a heading for the image
  9. Description - Add a description of the image to show on top of the hero image
  10. Button Text - If a button is to be added on the image, enter a value on this field that would be visible on the button
  11. Button Link - Enter the URL that the button would redirect to
  12. Open in a new tab - Mark this checkbox to open the URL on new tab when the button is clicked
  13. Group Visibility - Set group visibility at the image level. 

Quick Links Widget


  1. Title - Enter the title of the Quick Links widget
  2. Add Channel Account Manager Button - Select this checkbox to add the channel account manager button to the quick links widget
  3. Add Quick Link - Click on Add Quick Link to add a new Link .
  4. Drag on Drop - Hold down the button and drag and drop the quick links to form a sequence of quick links.
  5. Delete - Click the delete icon to delete the quick link.
  6. Accordion Button - Click the button to close or open the quick link section.
  7. Quick Link Title - Enter the title of the quick link
  8. Quick Link Url - Enter the URL that the quick link would redirect to.
  9. Group Visibility - Set group visibility at the quick link level. 

Channel Account Manager Widget

CAM Widget.png

An admin can choose to add the Channel Account Manager widget on the screen. 

When a user visits the dashboard they will able to see the name and contact information of all the CAMs for their company

  1. The title of the widget can be changed to reflect the nomenclature of a CAM. The default value is "Channel Account Manager"

Image Tile Widget


  1. Image - Add an image to show on the button background. To add an image, click on the browse button or provide an image URL
  2. Heading - Add a heading for the image
  3. Description - Add a description of the button to show on top of the hero image
  4. Button Link - Enter the URL that the quick link would redirect to.
  5. Group Visibility - Set group visibility at the quick link level. 


Button Carousel Widget


When adding a new widget if Button Carousel has been selected the following details need to be filled.

You can add multiple buttons and based on the number of buttons, they would run in a carousel fashion on the page

  1. Add Button - Click on the "+ Button" button to add a new button carousel
  2. Drag on Drop - Hold down the button and drag and drop the button carousels to define the sequence of buttons.
  3. Delete - Click the delete icon to delete the button carousel.
  4. Accordion Button - Click the button to close or open the button section.
  5. Button Nickname - Give each button a nickname for internal configuration reference only. This allows you to differentiate each button on the Customize Dashboard screen as you reorder images to set the display order.
  6. Button Title - Enter the title of the button to display on the button
  7. Background Image - To add an image, click on the browse button or provide an image URL
  8. Button Subtitle - Enter the subtitle of the button to display on the button below the button title
  9. Button Icon - Select the button icon to display on the button from a pre-defined list of icons provided
  10. Button Description - Add a description of the button to show on the button below the subtitle
  11. Button Link - Enter the URL that the button would redirect to
  12. Open in a new tab - Mark this checkbox to open the URL on new tab when the button is clicked
  13. Group Visibility - Set group visibility at the button level. 


Partner Plan Widget


As an admin, you can choose to add the partner plan widget on the dashboard.

If a partner plan has been created for the partner, then the partner plan widget would be visible to the partner managers/executives of the company

If the admin chooses not to add the widget on the dashboard, the widget would not be visible to anyone, even if partner plans has been created for the partner company

Calendar Events Widget


As an admin, you can choose to add the calendar widget on the dashboard.

After it is added, the visibility of the widget can also be controlled by adding group visibility on the widget level. Only users from the selected group would be able to view the widget.


Pinned Content & My Company Playbooks Widget


As an admin, you can choose to add the widget on the dashboard.

After it is added, the visibility of the "Pinned Content" and "My Company Playbooks" can also be controlled by adding group visibility on the widget level. Only users from the selected group would be able to view the widget.
Both of these sections would be controlled by the group visibility provided.

The "Pinned Content" tab will be visible if there is pinned content, and the "My Company Playbooks" tab will appear if there are company playbooks available. If both collections are absent, this widget will not be displayed.


Content List Widget


When a content list widget is added, the widgets to be added on the dashboard can be selected from the list of

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Best Practices while creating the different widgets

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