In this article, Allbound Administrator users will learn how to grant their partner users the ability to request MDF (marketing development funds) in the Allbound portal.
Overview of MDF
In order for your partners to be able submit requests for Marketing Development Funds (MDF,) they will need to have permission to do so. By default, all users in your portal do not have the ability to request MDF. Any member of your team who is an Allbound Administrator with the Companies, Users, & Groups permission can grant access to partner users.
How to Grant Access to Request MDF for a User
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Companies"
3. From the Companies table, use the searchbar to find your specific company
4. Click on the blue Company Name
5. Click on the "Members" tab
6. Click the top checkbox to the left of the Name column in the table to bulk-select all members OR select individual members within the Company by checking the box to the left of the individual's name
7. Scroll down to the "Bulk Actions" drop-down menu and then select "Toggle MDF Permissions" and then click on the "Submit" button. You will now see "Can Request" next to the users name in the MDF Requests column of the table
7a. If you want to undo the access grant permission, click the top checkbox to the left of the Name column in the table to bulk-select all members OR select individual members within the Company by checking the box to the left of the individual's name. From the "Bulk Actions" drop-down menu, select "Toggle MDF Permissions" and then click on the "Submit" button to undo the "Can Request" action. The MDF Requests column will now be blank
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.
Also, please refer to these articles: