This article will help Allbound Administrator users learn how to create and manage Partner Plan Templates within the Partner Plan settings. Also listed are our best practices/tips.
A Partner Plan Template may be useful if you need to apply the same (or very similar) Plan to multiple partner companies. For example, you may want all new partners to complete an Onboarding Plan or you want all of your Reseller partner types to complete a specific Plan. Instead of creating a new Plan and navigating through all of the setup each time, you can create one master Plan and simply duplicate it when it is needed.
Who Can Create a Partner Plan Template?
Per the portal's partner user roles, only Allbound Administrator users with the Partner Plan permission toggled on AND/OR users with the Owner role can create Partner Plans. A user with an Owner role can only create Partner Plans for the companies that they "own."
Where to Create a New Partner Plan Template
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon within the top toolbar and then click "Partner Plan"
The Manage Templates Table Overview
When you create Partner Plan Templates, they will all be displayed within the "Manage Templates" tab
A. Search Bar: Use this search bar to look for a specific Template
B. "+ Create Template" button: Click here to create a new Template
C. "Filters" button: Click to narrow-down your results for this table. The filter option is "Status"
D. "Columns" button: Re-arrange and organize this table by customizing the columns. The column options are:
- Template
- Status
- Date Created
- Last Updated
E. 3-Dot Menu: Click here to Add this Template to a Partner Plan, to Edit and/or Delete a specific Template
How to Create a New Partner Plan Template
1. From the main Partner Plan page, navigate to the left-hand panel and then click the "Manage Templates" tab
2. Click on the “+ Create Template” button in the upper-right corner
Outlining the Partner Plan Template Sections
The Details/Plan Overview Section
Within this section are two important fields:
Template Name field (required)
Type a name for this Template. It is important to choose a name that will succinctly describe the purpose of the Template in a single sentence so your team can identify its purpose.
Template Description (optional)
Adding a description is optional, but helpful, if needing to add notes or additional information about the creation of the Template.
Once you have all of the above information entered, you can click the "Save as Draft" button in the upper right of the page to save your progress. To move to the next Partner Plan Template section, click the "Next" button on the bottom right of the page.
The Strategy, Onboarding, and Training Sections
Within these three sections, you may add descriptions and goals for the Partner Plan Template. As an Allbound Administrator user, you may rename these section's titles based on your company's jargon/nomenclature.
Adding a New Description
Similar to adding a description to The Details/Plan Overview section, we recommend adding one with detailed information pertinent to each of these sections to ensure all of your partner users are on the same page for this Partner Plan Template.
Click on the "+ Description" button to build out a section's description.
Adding a New Goal
Within the Strategy, Onboarding, and Training sections, you may add two different types of goals:
- A Checklist Goal - A checklist goal can be tasks internal or external to the portal that you wish to check things off, similar to a to-do list. When partner user roles of Owner, Executive, and/or Manager mark items as "Complete" within a checklist goal, those users information will save as a name and date timestamp.
- A Learning Track Goal - A learning track goal is one that is internal to the portal. For example, you may want five users of a specific partner company to watch an Onboarding Learning Track.
To add goals, simply click on the "+ Goal" button and then choose which type of goal to add.
Adding a Checklist Goal
To add a new Checklist Goal, click on the "+ Goal" button and then choose "Checklist" from the Goal Type field.
Fill out each field with information and then scroll down to create your checklist items. To add multiple items, click the "+" icon. When you are finished building out this checklist goal, click the "Add" button to save your changes.
Adding a Learning Track Goal
To add a new Learning Track Goal, click on the "+ Goal" button and then choose "Learning Track" from the Goal Type field.
Fill out each field with information and then scroll down to select your published Learning Track and designate how many users needs to complete it. When you are finished building out this Learning Track goal, click the "Add" button to save your changes.
Once you have added description(s) and goal(s) to these sections, you can click the "Save as Draft" button in the upper right of the page to save your progress. To move to the next Partner Plan section tab, click the "Next" button on the bottom right of the page.
The Revenue/Sales Goals Section
When creating a Sales goal within the Sales tab, you will have some different options available. You will be able to establish baselines for how much pipeline generation you would like partners to produce. Additionally, you can determine if you would like to define the value as a quarterly goal or a yearly goal. Learn How to Create a Revenue Goal in Partner Plan.
When you are finished adding all of your information to all of the tabs and sections, your Template will be complete. Learn How to Assign a Partner Plan to a Company.
How to Apply a Template to a Partner Plan
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon within the top toolbar and then click "Partner Plan"
3. Within the "Manage Partner Plans" tab from the left-hand panel, click on the “+ Create Plan” button in the upper right corner
4. Once you click the button, a pop-up window will emerge. Click the option "Use a Template to Create a Partner Plan"
5. From the drop-down menu, select the Template that you would like to use for this Partner Plan
6. Once you click the "Next" button, it will create a new Partner Plan
Best Practices/Tips
- To assign a Partner Plan to your own company, follow this best practice:
- When creating a new Partner Plan, assign your own company as the Partner. This will make the Plan only available and visible to your team and it will be hidden from your partner user's view.
- When creating a new Partner Plan Template, follow these best practices:
- When creating a new Partner Plan with a Template, make sure to indicate in the description box that this Plan is a Template. This will help you and your other Allbound Administrator users easily identify which Plans can be duplicated and updated for partner use. You may also want to specifically name your new Partner Plan based on which partners this Template could apply to. Example: “New Partner Onboarding (Reseller + Silver) TEMPLATE.”
- You can always make updates to your Partner Plan Templates. You can create a template that has the basic goals and tasks set up, and once you are ready to use your template, you can update each tab's information.
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.
Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about our Partner Plan feature: