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How to Archive Content

Genesis Lee
Genesis Lee
  • Updated


In this article, Allbound Administrator users will learn the benefits of archiving content and how to archive once content has run its course. Also listed are our frequently asked questions.


Purpose of Archiving Content

Archiving a piece of content means that you are storing it away, but keeping its related activity data. When archived, a piece of content will only be accessible to Allbound Administrator users with the Content and/or System Settings permissions enabled.


What is the Difference Between Draft and Archive?

A piece of content in a "Draft" status will not be visible to any of your users within the portal. While you are creating numerous new pieces of content, it can be beneficial to save the pieces as "Drafts" to "queue" them up before officially publishing at a later time. You can add drafted pieces of content to Playbooks and/or Learning Tracks; however, you need to publish the pieces of content before offering the Playbooks and/or Learning Tracks to your portal users. Otherwise, they will receive an error message.

A piece of content in an "Archived" status will not be visible to any of your users within the portal. Archived content is only accessible by Allbound Administrator users. Administrator users can access Archived content by clicking on the Settings Gear in the top toolbar > clicking "Content" > clicking the "Content & Resources" tile > and then clicking "Archived." Or, Administrator users can use the Content Management Tool.


How to Archive Content

Allbound Administrator users may archive content in two ways. The first way is within a piece of content's settings. The second way is through the Content Management Tool. 


Archiving Content Within A Piece of Content's Settings

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Content"




3. Click on the "Content & Resources" tile

4. Use the search bar to look up the title of a piece of content

5. Hover over the content's blue title name and then click "Edit"

6. Within the Content Settings, navigate to the "Publish" box in the right-hand corner

7. Click the "Edit" link next to the Status

8. From the status drop-down list, select "Archive"



9. Click the blue "Update" button to save the new status


How to Archive Content With The Content Management Tool

1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Content Management"




3. Using the search bar, search for and locate the piece of content that you wish to archive

4. Click the check the box(es) to the left of your content title to select the resource. (You can also choose to archive multiple pieces of content)

5. Once you have selected at least one piece of content, the "Action" button will populate

6. Click the "Action" button and then "Bulk Edit"

7. Under the "Status" category, click "Archived" and then click "Apply" to confirm and save your changes


Frequently Asked Questions

Q.   How long is my content archived?

A.   Any archived pieces of content will remain archived until they are completely deleted and/or reactivated by an Allbound Administrator user. As long as the piece of content is archived, the platform will also retain its reporting and metrics.

Q.   Should I delete old content rather than archiving it?

A.   We highly recommend that you never ever delete content from your portal! Deleting a piece of content is so permanent that even our Allbound Support Team cannot retrieve it once it is deleted. Furthermore, when you delete content from your portal, it also deletes any data, actions, and activities associated with that content, which can skew your reporting metrics. That is why we recommend Archiving old pieces of content rather than deleting them. 


If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about Allbound Content:

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