Installation: The CRM Integration between Allbound and Salesforce is an OAuth Based Integration that requires a Salesforce User to validate the connection between your salesforce instance and your Allbound Portal.
Support: Your Allbound CRM Integration Specialist may on occasion require access to your Salesforce instance to provide support. Your Allbound CRM Integration Specialist will NEVER make a change to your CRM settings or processes. However, access to your CRM instance allows them to see the required full picture when providing support.
Best: System Administrator Profile
This allows your Integration Specialist access to everything they need to solve any potential errors that may occur.
Example Support Flow
Problem: Your internal team makes changes to your internal processes that cause a new workflow error with your integration.
Result: Salesforce will respond with an error message indicating a workflow issue
Path to Solve: Integration Specialist will be notified of error. Integration Specialist will login to CRM to to identify what workflow is causing issue. Integration Specialist will message our points of contact with details on the new issue we are seeing, why that is happening, which workflow needs to be addressed, and how it can be edited to not cause problems. Integration specialist will pause integration until solution has been implemented and fix has been communicated to Integration Specialist.
Minimum User Requirements: Standard, Non-Administrative Profile
This allows your Integration Specialist access to your CRM to view the necessary records on both sides but does not allow them to see backend setup menus. This will suffice in 75% of support interactions, but may slow support processes and capabilities for the other 25% of use cases.
Example Support Flow
Problem: Your internal team makes changes to your internal processes that cause a new workflow error with your integration.
Result: Salesforce will respond with an error message indicating a workflow issue
Path to Solve: Integration Specialist will be notified of error. Integration Specialist will message our points of contact that there is a new issue with a workflow error and will forward the Salesforce error. Integration specialist will pause integration until solution has been implemented and fix has been communicated to Integration Specialist.
CRM (Salesforce) Integration Support Flow Examples by User Profile

Ruli Garcia
- Updated