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Partner Account Creation, Edit, and Deactivation - Salesforce

Darylen Carroll
Darylen Carroll
  • Updated

Partner Accounts in Salesforce become Partner Companies in AllboundSalesforce will remain the system of record for everything related to your Partner Accounts.  Your team will continue to create and make edits to Partner Accounts within your CRM and the Allbound Integration will automatically create new Companies when a new Active Partner Account is created, and keep your Company data in sync when edits are made to Partner Accounts.  

Your Allbound Integration Specialist will work with you to determine which Partner Account Types will sync to Allbound as well as what standard and custom fields you wish to include in that Partner Account data mapping.  Not every field on the Partner Account should be included.  You should only include fields that will affect partner access or system/content visibility within your Allbound Portal.


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