In this article, Allbound Administrator users will learn how to create and manage Dynamic Groups within the Allbound platform. Also listed are our best practices/tips and frequently asked questions.
Allbound's Groups feature allows you to take segmentation to the next level by managing and creating Dynamic and/or Static Groups within the platform. Segmentation can include personalized Dashboards, individual pieces of content, Playbooks, and Learning Tracks certain partner companies can access. By applying strategic Group rules, Dynamic Groups can automatically help drive your partner users' journey and experience through the portal.
*Note: only Allbound Administrator users from your company with the Users, Groups, and Companies AND/OR the System Settings permissions toggled on can create and manage Dynamic Groups
How to Create a New Dynamic Group
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Groups"
3. From the Groups screen, click on the "Add Group" tab (outlined in red) to create a new Dynamic Group
4. Name your new Dynamic Group (be specific) and add a description
5. Scroll down the page to add "Group Rules" and "Additional Rules." Assign various rules and actions to your new Dynamic Group to group similar partner users from the drop-down menus provided
6. Click the green "+" sign to add multiple Group Rules. To remove a rule, click the red "-" sign
7. Click the "Submit" button to save your changes
*Note: "Group Rules" are AND rules. "Additional Rules" are OR rules. If you include Additional Rules, they will completely disregard the rules input in the Group Rules section and operate as "one-off" rules.
*Note: If you intend on creating a group utilizing EXCLUSION logic (does not include, does not match), they must always be input in the Group Rules section for the group to be set up properly.
How to Manage/Edit a Dynamic Group
1. Login to the Allbound platform
2. Click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click "Groups"
3. From the Groups screen, click on the three-dot menu icon next to the Dynamic Group name to edit and/or delete a Dynamic Group
*Note: please note that you CANNOT undo the deletion of a group
Best Practices/Tips
- To successfully dynamically group your partner users together, remember these tips:
- You CANNOT exclude partner users with Groups. Groups are meant to be inclusive.
- When you edit an existing Group, you CANNOT switch back and forth from Dynamic to Static.
- For easier automation, we recommend always using Dynamic Groups rather than Static Groups.
- To segment your partner users' portal journey, remember these tips:
- Use Dynamic Groups to customize your partner users' Dashboard. You can apply Dynamic Groups to Hero Images, Quick Links, and/or Buttons.
- Use Dynamic Groups to assign content to certain partner companies. Group visibility can be applied to individual pieces of content, Playbooks, and Learning Tracks within the platform.
- To inject additional segmentation into your platform, follow this best practice:
- You may create Dynamic Groups and then Open a Ticket to request to hide specific Dashboard left-hand navigation panel items from your partner companies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can we edit an existing Dynamic Group to a Static Group? Or vice-versa?
A. At this time, you unfortunately cannot toggle back and forth between Static and Dynamic Groups. If you need to do this, you must create a brand new Group.
If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.
Also, please refer to these articles to further learn about our Groups feature: