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How to Assign Channel Account Managers in the Allbound Portal

Genesis Lee
Genesis Lee
  • Updated


This article will instruct Allbound Administrator users how to assign Channel Account Managers in the Allbound portal.



We understand the importance of maintaining key relationships with your partners; most likely, there is someone within your organization whose sole responsibility is to do just that. Whether you call them Channel Account Managers (CAMs,) Partner Success Managers, Partner Account Managers, etc. Allbound allows you to seamlessly connect Account Managers with partners in the portal.


Value of Assigning the "Owner" User Role to Account Managers

Allbound has an “Owner” user role as part of the company organization. By assigning your account managers an "Owner" role on a partner company in Allbound, the portal will recognize that designation and two major things will happen:

  1. The “View My Channel Manager” (Channel Manager Visibility Widget) will display the account manager and their contact information to the partner user in the platform. This will be dynamic based on the partner who is logged into the system, i.e. they will see the information for the account manager that is assigned to them in your CRM

  2. The Allbound user assigned to an "Owner" role will be able to access Channel Insights for all partner companies


How to Assign An Allbound User the "Owner" Role

You can assign the account owner in two ways:

  • Through the Company Record
  • Through the User Profile


How to Assign an Allbound User an "Owner" Role Through the Company Record

*Note: This method is the best practice if you are adding an owner to one or a small number of partner companies

*Note: Only Allbound Administrator users with the System Settings OR the Users, Groups, & Companies permission(s) enabled can edit user roles


1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. With your mouse, click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click on "Companies"




3. Search for and then click on your desired Company's blue name




4. Click on the "Members" tab and then click the checkbox next to the user's name you wish to edit


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 9.34.47 AM.png


5. Click on the "Bulk Actions..." drop-down menu, and then select the "Edit Selected Members" option, and then click the "Submit" button


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 9.38.55 AM.png


6. A "Edit Members of (Company Name)" pop-up window will emerge. Within it, click on the drop-down menu in the Role column and choose the "Owner" role for the user. Click the "Save" button when complete. Click the "X" button to close out of  pop-up window


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 9.40.06 AM.png


How to Assign an Allbound User an "Owner" Role Through the User Profile

*Note: This method is the best practice if you have a single account manager that you need to assign to multiple partner companies


*Note: Only Allbound Administrator users with the System Settings OR the Users, Groups, & Companies permission(s) enabled can edit user roles


1. Login to the Allbound platform

2. With your mouse, click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click on "Users"




3. Within the Users table, use the search bar to find the user you wish to edit. Click on their blue user name (first name, last name)

4. Click on the "Company Associations" tab

5. Click on the "Add Association" button




6. A "Add Association" pop-up window will emerge. Within the "Company" field, click in the field and then start to type out the name of a partner company. Within the "Role" field, from the drop-down menu, click "Account Owner"

7. To add multiple partner companies, click on the "+" icon

8. Click on the "Add" button to save your changes


Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 10.11.27 AM.png


What Does this Information Look Like in the Portal?

The "View My Channel Manager" Widget

*Note: you as an Allbound Administrator user need to enable this widget for your users to see it. You can do so by clicking on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar, click on "Dashboard "Dashboard Settings," within the "Themes and Widgets" tab, click on the checkbox next to "Channel Manager Visibility" to toggle this widget on


Your partner users can click on the "View My Channel Manager" widget button from their portal dashboard




When your partner users click on this button, a pop-up window will emerge with the Account Owner's contact information



The Companies Table

Allbound Administrator users with the System Settings OR the Users, Groups, & Companies permission(s) enabled can view Account Owner information from the Companies table. Simply click on the Settings Gear icon in the top toolbar and then click on "Companies." The table's column "Account Owners" will display.




A Company's "Members" Tab

In the "Members" list of a Company, the Account Owner will be present in the list and assigned the role of “Owner.”




If you still have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Open a Support Ticket.


Also, please refer to these articles:

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